After All He's Done For Me:

     There is a good old chorus that goes:    "After all He's done for me, After All he's done for me;
                                                                      How can I do less than give Him my best,
                                                                      And live for Him completely;
                                                                       After all He's done for me. . . "

      Is it true?

     What has He done for you?
     He became sin for you.
     He Rose again.
     He is Making a Place for you.
     He is Listening to you and Answering you (Jeremiah 33:3)
     He is Watching over you.

     He who is Love is loving you.

     Soldier of The Cross, He is in the business of restoring the ground. 

     Look up and move on!

What Will He Do:

     You have no idea what He will do or how He will do it.

     The important thing is that you know He has said He would do what is best and that He would not delay. That means, if it takes a long time, He has not delayed.

     Soldier of The Cross,  you have prayed about the matter urgently and for a while.  It seems like the Lord is looking the other way.  Of course, that is not the case, it just feels like things are out of control.

     What does He say in His Word?

     Can you stand before Him and say that things are out of control?  I think not.

     So the Soldier, advance.  According to the Word of God.  You must not give in to the feeling of paralysis.  Move.  He always allows your foot to claim another piece of ground.

     You don't belong to the problem, you belong to the Lord.

     Tell Him so.


     In the natural, endurance is limited.

     In the supernatural, there is provision for each moment. Endurance is a term we use to describe the patient passing from moment to moment by faith, confident that His Promise are reliable and forever.

     The Soldier of The Cross does not endure with grinding teeth and a litany of changes wanted.  That is simply passive existence.    Instead, he stands under the Banner that is Love, and by faith has a vision of something far greater than a resolved situation.  He sees the Lord Jesus.

     The submissive heart never just "gets through" the situation.  There is always a way to love others. There is always a biblical attitude to be taken.  There is always a prodding of the Holy Spirit to trust the Lord. 

     There is always someone to encourage.

     You have a Sword.  Use it to cut the path and move on.
     Do it by prayer.

Moving On:

     Nothing stays the same.

     As much as the flesh would like to think so, it isn't true.

     As the Bible says, all of creation is in the  momentum of time:
        "For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. "
                                                                                                   Romans 8:22

      We are moving through and must live by the Word of God.  He alone is unchangeable when all else is unable to stay the same.

     One reason there are so many troubled marriages is that people expect relationships to stay the same.  It doesn't happen.  Can't happen.

     You must build your life on the Lord.  Your thought life must be established on Him.  Your mouth must reflect Him.

     Soldier of The Cross, live in reality.  When He is your all in all, you can deal practically and calmly with swirling, changing Time.


     Intent is only for time.

     It involves a before and after. 

     For most it means an idea that is appealing or the doing of something that assuages guilt.  It may even be a resolve, soon to dissolve.

     For the Soldier of The Cross, the matter is presented in prayer before The One who is Almighty.  In prayer and by the power of the Holy Spirit, it becomes a vision to be  carried out.  That is godly intent.

     Anyone can be stimulated.  Anyone can agree with a good idea.  Anyone can make a resolution.

     You are not anyone.    Your business is carried out in prayer - the Place where His business and yours become the same.

     Soldier, look up and move on.

No Limit:

     Be sure your prayer is not limited to the possible.

     It is too easy to imagine all the things God could do and how He could do them.  The problem is,  He never does the same thing the same way twice.   And when he answers, it is never in the way we thought it would happen.

     He is the same One who had the ark built in the desert before it had ever rained on the earth.
     He is the same One who fed a multitude without enough to feed a handful.
     He is the same One who turned the water into wine after the wine drinking had gone on for quite a while!
     He is the same One who rose from the dead and whose power knows no limits.

     The aforementioned aren't alarming to you because you are so familiar with the stories.    If you had not heard about it, you would surely never pray that a handful of food would feed thousands. 

     It did then and it still can.

     Go back and pray about the matter again.


     Soldier of The Cross, do you understand how attentive He is to each little or big thing?

     Your thoughts.  Your feelings.  The things that swirl around.  The opinions of others.  Your family.  Your finances.   Your emotional or physical pain. Your weight.

     He not only cares, but He has designed it all.

     How are you praying?  To  powerful and Sovereign God?

     With regard to the days that are left, are they His or are they yours?  That is the bottom line.   Most Christians are passive and live as though there were no Lord.  No watchful eye. No caring and sovereign God.

     Claim what is yours;  the privilege of dying to self and living for Him.  He has it all under control.

     Tell Him.  Today.
     Alone and aloud.

Give Them Jesus:

     The lost don't need to be convinced of the age of the earth or the location of the ark. 

     They need Jesus.

     Make no mistake - He can reveal Himself in a myriad of ways and He will use anything.  Salvation is a spiritual matter.  Even though the intellect is satisfied, it isn't intellectual.   Even though the emotions are expressed and set in order, it isn't emotional.

     People must be led to the Lord.

     It is different for each.  I have no problem with the Four Spiritual Laws or the Romans Road. I have used the Wordless Book hundreds of times.  I have always found that these are only a place to start. 

     We don't have a factory Lord, and there is no factory salvation.

     Soldier of The Cross, listen.  Be ready to move in ways you have never moved before.  It is not about the IQ of the listener or your own skill. 

     It is about the deep and penetrating work of the Holy Spirit.


     The decision on the matter:

     Is it His or yours?   Does He need your approval?   If you ask Him why, it means you presume you have the same capacity to see and understand that He does. 

     Of course, that is not possible.

     Soldier of The Cross, simply stand before Him and agree with Him.  After all, what other choices do you have?  Might they be fruitful?

     Tell Him aloud and alone.


     He who is Love has said that He wants to love through His Own.

     There is a divine cycle that is experienced by faith when the believer sees beyond his own needs and lays down his life in service to others.  Faith leads to faith and Love leads to Love.  

     This does not mean that the Christian has to wear a label:

     It means each day must be prepared by prayer and with the fresh taking in of God's Word.
     It means listening carefully to hear what is really being said.
     It means your money is not yours.
     It means loving even when the person isn't clean or is a curmudgeon.
     It means speaking honestly and refraining from damaging frankness.
     It means choosing what He has said over the obvious short cut to the problem.
     It means being someone on whom leadership can depend.
     It means singing loudly, always being willing to give a testimony and looking for someone to greet and love whether you feel like it or not.
      It means coming before Him and regularly telling Him you want to live in the Frontier of faith instead of the swamp of Christian Concept.

     The Soldier of The Cross who agrees with God knows he is loved, and He who is Love is present everywhere that Soldier puts his feet.