The Moment:


     We have been created for heaven, yet, we must deal with things that are distracting and distressing.

     Sometimes, it feels like life is a gauntlet to be run.  Just when it seems recovery is around the corner, something else happens.

     It has always been so.

     Soldier of The Cross, we are not winding around the barriers and storms of life.  We are being led by the fire and the cloud and are advancing forward in a straight line.  We have One who leads us with His eyes.  We have one who hides us in the cleft of The Rock.  He has already dealt with the world in such a way that we can not be eternally harmed by it.

     We must pay attention to those who are before us.  The grocery clerk.  The mailman.  The vet.  The street sign holder.

     It is not possible for you to be a lightening rod for the Lord if you are occupied with the things that loom large by sight.  You absolutely must be in the Word and in prayer.  If you are not, you will not be able to see reality - you will only see the problem.

     Soldier, buck up. Obey.  Come before Him and unburden yourself.  Aloud and honestly.
     He who died for you will tenderly scoop you into His Side - the cleft of The Rock of Ages.

His finest:


  Soldier of The Cross, when you stand before Him, what do you want Him to say about you?

     Will it be " well done, thou good and faithful Servant",  or will it be something else?  How can you tell?  Have you agreed or disagreed with Him?

      The bottom line is, what have you said to Him in prayer?  Have you told Him that He could do anything with your life?

      Have you told Him you will agree with Him with regard to anything He allows?

     Soldier,  make no mistake - there is absolutely nothing else.  There is no one else who will answer you.  He will answer and it will be intimate.  He will address the deepest concerns and He will make it known that He cared enough to give His life for you.

     Whose are you?  Your own?  Of course not.  That is guaranteed failure.
     Advance.  In prayer.  You will experience a security you have not tasted before.

     Tell Him you will serve Him.
     Tell Him you will hold nothing back.
     Tell Him aloud.
     Tell Him today.


A Rock in a Weary Land:

     Is Jesus a Rock in a weary land?

     Of course.

     Soldier of The Cross, do not forget that you are a sojourner and a pilgrim.  You enlisted in the Army of the King of Kings, and you stepped away from quicksand comfort.

     Why is it a weary land?  Because it has been so designed.  You were created for fellowship with Him and from the time of the fall, it has been intended that you would learn to live and move by faith.  The issue is, Faith.

     Look at all around you.   What is the united priority?  It is the insuring of this life.  It is the desperate longing to see that there is no earthly failure.   The desperate effort to avoid reality - the eternal.

     The fields are white unto harvest.
     Sing the songs.
     Speak the Word.
     Extend your hand to those slipping off the edge of the cliff.

     Introduce them to The Rock of Ages.


It is His:


     Everything is His.

     Your possessions, your money, your position and or anything else you can name.  Everything is already His.

     It is a mystery that it is difficult for some Christians to give.  Where did it come from?  Why is it yours?  How can it be that there is not enough to give to the local assembly, to missions or to those who are without? 

     He has promised that givers will not lack.

     What a precious thing it is that Paul tells us the Macedonians gave  lavishly, though they were poor.

      The less time you have, the more you should pray.
      The more hurt you are, the more you should minister grace to someone.
      The less money you have, the more you should give.



A Volunteer for Jesus:

     What is your life really about?

     Does your family know He comes first?  Is meeting with Him a priority?  Does your speech reflect your purpose?  What about the Body of Christ? 

     Are you often looking back?

     You have been called.  What can throw you off? 

         A Volunteer for Jesus,  a Soldier true!
        Others have enlisted, why not you?
        Jesus is the Captain, we will never fear;
        Will you be enlisted as a volunteer?      



     Rejoicing in the Lord does not have to mean an emotional experience.

     It simply means agreeing with God, stating  that you are glad He has made the right choice and agreeing to take the next step by faith because you have put your weight down on the Rock of Ages.

     It is critically important to tell Him that He knows best and that you are glad, glad, glad.  He will honor this and you will see the situation more clearly.  You will begin to see things as He sees them.

     You must do this aloud.

     Then, look up and move on!



Agree with God:

     What does it mean to agree with God?

      It means that you have crossed The Line.  It means that you have acknowledged His Sovereignty and that you are sure He knows better than you.

     The problem arises when the rubber meets the road.  When the flesh is rankled, it is painful and it feels like you are suffocating in discomfort.  Yet, what is Truth?

     Who is Truth?  What does He promise?  Where will He lead?
     Is it possible that He can be trusted?

     Soldier of The Cross, is that not the bottom line?  Are you willing to put your weight down on The Rock of Ages, or must you do it yourself?

     There is no one else.  There is nowhere else to go.  So, rather than be a fool and blast on blindly, agree with the One who named you, called you, died for you, and now woes you.

     Look up and move on!




     What do you do when someone comes at you with juicy gossip?

     What does the Bible say?  Is there aggressive criticism? 

     Soldier of The Cross, stop.  The level of interest does not negate God's Word.  

     Soldier,  come before Him with regard to your availability in terms of being a Soldier of The Cross.  What does it mean?  What is the cost?  What will please Him?

     Speak to him about it.  Aloud.


Under Glass:

     You are far more transparent than you think.

     Of course, there are things in each life that are not made public.  I am not talking about  things that are known or unknown.  I am referring to your heart.  Your thought life.  Your priorities.

     This is a wonderful thing.  You were created to know, enjoy and share the Lord.  You were created so that others could see His life on the backdrop of yours.

     Agree with God.  Choose His Life.
     Choose His Body.
     Choose His music.  Enjoy His creation.
     Choose His Word and linger with Him in prayer.


     Soldier of The Cross, you have no idea what God is doing.

     If it were good for you to know, He would have told you.  Obviously, you do not need to know where, why, how or when.  The far more important questions is, do you or do you not trust Him?

     This is evident in the personality of the Soldier of The Cross.  Those who agree with God are able to say so to Him.  They delighted in what He wants , even if it appears that agreement comes at a significant cost.

     What is the greatest cost you can pay?
     Is it your ego?
     Is it control?
     Is it money?  Family?  Reputation?  The job?  A secret?
     Is it a position in the Church?  Possibly an issue with authority?

     Say it aloud in prayer.  What is it that you value?  Is there anything greater that than His will?  Is there anything temporal that is of more value than the eternal?

     Of course not.  But, you must come before Him and tell Him that you agree with Him.

     Do you Love Him?  Are you willing to lay down your life for the Body?    What do you think that means?  Compromise?  Comfort?  Agreeing with loved ones instead of agreeing with God?

     This is not just about getting through the next few hours.  This is about the reason for your life.

     Soldier, get a backbone.  Learn to recognize who is deceived and who is filled with the Holy Spirit.  
     There is no middle ground.