
   Who can lay all burdens at the feet of the Lord?    Is it possible to live without worry?    We are told we must give him all our anxiety.  We are told to roll our burdens on the Lord.  Therefore, there must be a way.   The problem is,  most people have an addiction to the habit of worry.    There must be a time when the Believer decides that he or she is going to lean on the Everlasting Arms.    If you have met the Lord, you are empowered to do this.  To make matters even simpler, you were not designed to carry the burden of worry.    Worry is the state of mind in which one attempts to fantasize about a solution or a consequence.  Often, worry concerns something that will never happen.     Worry is sin.  It is distracting, crippling and blinding.    Learning to trust the Lord is a process.  It begins with a decision and with telling Him so in prayer.  Then, the Holy Spirit reminds the Soldier of The Cross that there is choice.    Do not be satisfied with less than all of the release into which you have been born.    Tell him that you will learn to lean on Him.  Tell him aloud.


   There is  not one verse in the Bible that encourages you to ask, "Why?".    You were designed to walk by faith.  Faith does not need all the explanations, nor does faith decide if God's reason is acceptable.   To question God is to assume that your reasoning and insight is equal to His.    Soldier, a living sacrifice does not lay on the alter, holding up a list of objections or demands.  It is one thing to pray through the Work of the Lord.  It is another thing to question the Sovereignty of God.  He is not insecure and does not suffer from the lack of faith.  It Is you who will suffer.    We have the Word of God.  We have the Body of Christ.  We have the assurance of Salvation.     We also have Power because the Indwelling Holy Spirit lives within us and empowers us to obey.    What is your priority?  Is it faith?  After all, there is  no other way to know God.  Is there anything else that is a close second?  Of course not. The issues of this life must match the issues of eternity.     You must tell Him aloud.  He will assure you by the very words that the Holy Spirit will give you in prayer.


   Your security must be in the Lord.    There is nothing wrong with insurance.  Insurance, however, falls far short of God's Provision.  He has said He will provide your every need and that He will withhold no good thing.    If that is true, why do so many Christians do all they can to avoid a faith walk, and then worry and fret?    Because they do not believe God.    You have chosen to believe God.  That is why you are a Soldier of The Cross.  You must be constantly praying in your daily bread and expecting to live at the Hand of God.   When you pray thusly, you will rely on Him for everything, even though you may have all the money  in the world and endless insurance.    He has designed you to look to Him.  The Christian who prays in his daily bread sees that the paycheck is from the lord and not from the boss.    That Christian works for the Lord and not for the money.     That Christian is free from money worries.    Take it to him in prayer.    Aloud.

Hidden rooms?

   Soldier of The Cross, have you given your all?    Is there any area that you know you are withholding?    Are you desperate for security?    Must you have certain luxuries?     Do you insist on being right?   Is there some secret thing that you know is wrong, but you do it anyway?   Are you willing to let the Lord do anything He wants to with your time, your money, your faculties, your body, your profession, your reputation and your family?    The living out of the Christian life may not be easy, but it is certainly glorious.   The more eager the Soldier is to travel light, the richer the presence of the Lord.    Simply tell Him.    Aloud.

The God of The Old Testament:

   We are all familiar with the stories.    Why do we not see the same things today?  Well, we do, but in a different manifestation.  We are in a different dispensation - the dispensation of Grace.     The Lord is the same, but He has chosen to reveal Himself in an expanded manner as time unfolds and advances toward eternity.     Soldier of The Cross, you must be able to commit events and consequences to Him in prayer.  Aloud.  The Lord often speaks to us in the prayer time, and it happens when the Holy Spirit leads in the choosing of words.     Many people claim to pray.  Few have a real prayer life.  What about you?  Do you seek Him out on a daily basis?  Aloud?  Are you aware He is listening and will respond?    He is the same.  He does not change, but He is infinitely creative and can be trusted with regard to the Plan.    Soldier, just look at Him and at His personality.    Talk to Him about the things that you see and love about Him.      When we are present with Him, we will have all the answers.  In the meantime, follow hard after Him.  He is the same as He has always been.    There is no one else.  There is nothing else.

Because He said:

   There is no verse in the Bible that encourages a Believer to ask "why?".    This is because there are many things that you will  not understand until you are present with the Lord in Glory.  You were not created with the capacity to evaluate the eternal versus the temporal.  You are expected and commanded to take God at His Word.     There is nothing squishy in the Bible.  Those who do not agree that there is a sovereign God take issue with everything.  Now, modern society is evolving to the extent that morality is being redefined.    Soldier of The Cross, every word He says is solid.  There is nothing else.  He is right and everything else is wrong.    I have come to realize that there are few who love Truth and Right.  Most people compromise when it comes to right and wrong, based on the consequences that will come to them.  We all know that it is the nature of a child to test this principle.    Soldier,  love God's Word.  Love what is right.  Love to obey.     No compromises.

God's Finest:

   Are you a man or woman of Faith?    Most of us have a concept of the great Christians.  We think of them as having achieved recognizable heights.  We think of the miracles they have experienced.  There are tremendous stories of both endurance and vision.     Soldier of The Cross,  everyone has the same chance.  Everyone has the same provision.  Everyone has the same Lord and the same Word of God.  The thing that is different is the way the Soldier deals with things in the deepest recesses of his being.     When we get to heaven, there will be those who would never have thought of themselves as heroes of the faith.  But theirs will be the runner's crown.    You may be confined to a bed or worse.  Perhaps no one knows of the depth of your situation.  You may be in an abusive relationship, or you may have the humblest of jobs.    He can make gold from anything  - or nothing. It is up to Him.  One thing is sure:  He with whom you will be forever loves obedience more than sacrifice.    Obey Him.  Even in the smallest things.

Rest in The Lord:

   Can you rest in the Lord,  or is it only possible in books and songs?    If He commands it, it must be possible.    Several things may be assumed:       It involves faith, which means that trusting Him means not analyzing circumstances.       It means the transaction begins in prayer and is maintained by prayer.       It means obedience is supernatural and you should expect to be empowered by the Indwelling Holy Spirit.          Finally, it means you were created for this.   You can rest assured that you were created to obey in the areas of God's commands and leadings.    You can not take up The Cross to follow Him if the space is already taken.  Even a seemingly small bundle prevents the taking up of the Cross.    Do not be alarmed.  He is able.  All He asks is that you come to Him and lay it down.  This happens in  prayer and is the result of  the decision to leave the useless and cumbersome behind and to Him.    Soldier, do not be passive about the things that bother you.  They must be dealt with in prayer.  When you pray in this way, you are able to recognize the open doors and the attractiveness of His way over your discomfort.    There is simply nothing else.    Look up and move on!

Room for God:

   God's Word addresses things head on.    Even so,  we need the Bible to interpret the Bible.  Further, without the supernatural interpreter, the Indwelling Holy Spirit, it is not possible to hear what God is saying.    Christians who refuse to leave room for God have a tendency to operate in a black and white world.  Even thought they know the verses, they decide what can be done based on available possibilities.  They refuse to try locked doors and they make assumptions about whatever it is that they do not know.    Black-and-white believers are mostly talkers, and are usually poor listeners.  They have standards for other, while they justify their own crushing weaknesses.    Do not put God in a box.  He can not be packaged.  He could have saved us in any manner, but He chose to send His own Son.    Soldier of  The Cross, when you crossed The Line, you made yourself available for service.  That means you may not say that so-and so can  not be done.    Because it can.     Move forward by faith.


   It is  not always possible to recognize God's blessing if there is a preconceived concept.    He says that He will withhold  no good thing. Can He be trusted?    When there has been heartache and loss, can He be trusted?  When the schedule breaks down can He be trusted?    The sense of comfort must be in relying on Him - not in evaluating circumstances.    Soldier of The Cross,  you have the Power to trust.  Step out, even when you can not see the ground.  You have been saved by The Rock of Ages.  He knows what He is doing, even if you do not.    Tell Him you will trust Him.  If you are having difficulty letting go of the matter, write it on a little piece pf paper and hold it up to Him, telling Him you are yielding to Him.    Tell Him aloud.