
     Many waters cannot quench love; neither can the floods drown it.
                  Song of Solomon 8:7

     Real love has all the qualities and components of I Corinthians 13.  God's Love does not indulge in wound-licking.  Love does not just end. 
     God's Love does not look for flaws.
     God's Love does not whine.
     God's Love believes the best.

     His Love is winsome to the extent that it can break all barriers and woo the soul that is running hard and fast away from Him. 

     His heart is to express Himself through your life.   In John 7:38, He said, "He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water."

     Soldier of The Cross, make this Love your goal.
                      Follow after love. . .
                                I Corinthians 14:1

     Soldier, present yourself in prayer, as an instrument of His Love.  Nothing else will win souls.  Intellect wins the  mind.  Appeal wins the emotions.  But Love makes the way for the Holy Spirit to reveal Jesus.  When He is revealed, the intellect is satisfied and the emotions are healed.

     Make yourself available in prayer.  Aloud.


The Heart:

     How often have you interpreted a facial expression or decided what another is thinking?

     What a dangerous thing.  

     The Bible says that man looks on the external, but only God can see the heart.    It is the need for control that fills in the blanks.  If you do not know, you do not know.  When you guess as to another’s motive or thinking, the tendency is to treat the conclusion as truth, whereupon you will put your weight on your guess and move forward, treating the matter as though you looked upon the heart.

    The ultimate arrogance is to assume you know what is not known to man.

    Grace assumes the best.
    Grace ministers Love.
    Grace considers God's knowledge to be superior to any human guess.

     The sin of assumption has caused many wars.
     The sin of assumption results in prejudice.
     The sin of assumption has divided families and churches.

     Soldier of The Cross, if you see, that is one thing.  If you assume your guesses are sight, you are in trouble and you will cause trouble.

     You must be sure to take these things to the Lord in prayer and lay them at His feet.  Tell Him you want to see by faith and that you will leave the matter with Him.

     Tell Him aloud.





The Goal:

     Soldier of The Cross, if you have stood before Him and declared your goal, those around you will be able to see the One toward whom you are pressing.

     It is important to know what your goal is.  Have you settled the matter with Him?  Many know the answer, nod their heads, sing the songs, but have never agreed with God in prayer.

     This must be done as an affirmative and deliberate declaration in prayer.  Our God is so sensitive and so loving, that He is willing and eager to sweep up His Own into the Everlasting Arms and shower on them infinite blessings.

     This is about a relationship.  What is the essence of any relationship?  

     Communication.   He has communicated through his Word, His Son, His preachers and the Holy Spirit is always sounding each believer.

     Soldier, talk to Him. Aloud.  It is not enough to know or to believe or to acquiesce in the thought life.  Express yourself to Him. 

     He will respond and you will never be the same.


But for the Grace of God:


   Those who are Soldiers of Love must be sure to acknowledge that it is the Grace of God that allows the veil to fall from any eyes.

     How is it that you have come to know and love Him?  It is certainly not because you are smarter, or better or because you have earned His attention and sonship.  It is because of Grace through faith. And, chances are, someone cared enough to pray for you.

     So then, when others cannot see or can not hear, there is no reason to be frustrated of impatient.  No one is annoyed with the blind man when he cannot see and only a fool yells at a deaf man.

     Love makes the way for Grace, and the sovereign God alone knows who and why.  As for me, I was not saved because of any human goodness, and neither were you.  He broke through the stubbornness, guilt and self-assurance and revealed himself.



The Stretch:

     The old man is always resisting the Frontier of Faith.

     With age, comfort and predictability are more and more lovely, while the learning of new things and the venture into unknown territory seems to take more than has.

     Yet, there is no verse in God's Word that  implies one can  ever retire from faith.  As long as there a beating heart in the Soldier of The Cross, He leads that Soldier into more and more unknown territory- that is, territory known to Him, but unknown to the follower. 

     Until we are in Glory, there is no "arrival."  We are asked to come to know and follow the One who is now preparing a Place for us.  We are asked to be transformed into His likeness.  This is a supernatural process and happens over time and is the result of the deepest, deepest work of the Holy Spirit.

      It is too bad Christianity has become a business.  It is possible to get a college degree in  being a "worship leader", and it is also possible to earn a large salary in that job.  I have spoken with young musicians who have set their sights on such a career, yet they have no desire to be like the Risen Lord.

     Soldier of The Cross, He knows best.  He knows when.  He knows how and He knows why.  You were not designed to know all of those things.  You were designed to have a trusting, loving and intimate relationship with the One who holds the stars in place.. 

     His goal is  not to break you. His goal is to change you and to prepare you for the everlasting thrill of His Presence and delights that  are beyond comprehension.

     Look up and move on!

More Faith-walk:


     Always, the issue is, can God be believed?

     Is His Word true?

     Herein lies the heart of the matter.  The Bible says " Let God be true, but every man a liar. . . ; (Romans 3:4).  Is He really the Rock of Ages?  Your High Tower?  The Lover of Your Soul?  Will He come through?

     There is a decision to be made.  You know God is real, because you know He has touched you.  For the same reason, you know the Bible is true. The Indwelling Holy Spirit witnesses to you and the words leap off the page into your heart.

     Is there a bridge that must be crossed?  Is proof needed?  What keeps you from stepping away from the familiar and moving into the frontier of faith?

     You only need to discuss it with Him in prayer. 
     He will reveal Himself to you.  
     He will assure you.
     He will lead you with His eyes.

     Is the anything better?


The Frontier of Faith:

      The journey of faith will  not be over until we are in Glory.

    Just when we think we might be over the  faith hump, there is an other challenge, and another opportunity to lean on The Everlasting Arms.

     If it were not for our own good, He would  not allow it.

    True security means walking by faith.  
    Faith means knowing God.

    There is  nothing else.




Oh, To Be Like Him:

   The Question is, do you really want to be like Him?

   Do you want to take care of others first?
   Do you want to have your treasure in  heaven?
   Do you want His will over your own?
   Are you willing to stand on the Promises?
   Do you value Love over control?
   Do you actually care about the eternal destiny of others?

   Soldier, life is so short. Yet God's Word says your decisions determine eternal reward.  It is important to tell Him that you want to be like Him.  It is important to tell Him that you want to be transformed into His likeness.  It is important to tell Him that He can do anything with your life.

   And, it is important to tell Him aloud.



   Soldier of The Cross, knowing God brings perspective.

   When the matter can not be explained, His Word brings perspective.
   When the pain is beyond description, His Word bring perspective.
   When the damage seems beyond repair,  His Word brings perspective.
   When the seeming faithful fall, His Word brings perspective.

   Soldier, there is  nothing that is unaddressed in His Word.  Moreover, you may go before Him at any time and speak freely about the matter. 

   What is Life?
   Agree with God.  He will respond, and you need to experience His Love for you.  Tell Him about it and tell Him aloud.
   Tell Him today.

His Will

   So many are desperate for the will of God.

   The problem is that most seekers are looking for insurance.   Somehow, there is the idea that if the will of God can be discovered, life’s problems will be minimized.

   Of course, such is not the case.  The will of the Father is that we might know the Son.

    Soldier of The Cross,   the only guarantee is that He knows the beginning from the end and He has called you to walk and live by faith.

   Tell Him you agree with Him.  Tell Him you want to abide by His will and that you will not count the cost.

   Tell Him aloud.
   Tell Him today.