
Soldier of The Cross, there is a deep well of joy that is experienced by those who agree with God.

  Why is that?

   Because it means there is acknowledgment that He knows more than we and that His ways are higher than ours.    Who would deny this?  Who would deny limited human ability?    Why do we have the Word of God?  Do we need it, or are we able to somehow create our own design and see it through?

   Of course not.  We are needy. The most capable human being is in need of a Savior. 
    There is no one without sin. 
    There is no one who is able to save himself.  
    There is no one who claims to know what God knows. 
    There is no one who knows the future without error, except our God. 
    There is no one who can heal the unseen and there is no one who can restore the years the Locusts have eaten. 

   Except for our God.

   There is nothing else.
   There is no one else.


   Just before I came to know the Lord, I asked my father how he knew the Gospel was true.

   He said, “Because of the changed lives.”

   I was riveted.  I had read the stories and heard the testimonies of so many who had been changed, not by mere belief, but because they had truly been born again.  I also knew that there was something about those people that made it impossible to separate their personalities from the thing they all said had happened to them.

   To be like Him is the theme of many verses, many songs and many books.  Interestingly, those who become more like Him also seem to be able to live above difficult circumstances.  They also attend to others.  They care deeply.  They love the unlovely.

   Soldier of The Cross, He came to live in you and He is  not leaving. If you are agreeing with His Word in prayer and if you are putting first the Kingdom of God, you need only to do the next thing that comes before you, and do it as unto Him.

   It is not a matter of deciding to change and then carrying it out.  Rather it is a matter of  getting to know, trust and follow Him.  In so doing, the things that are not healthy in life become less attractive and there is a falling in love experience - with the One who loves you beyond your comprehension.

   There is much to do.   
   Trust and obey, for there’s no other way. . .



The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do His commandments: His praise endureth for ever.
       Psalm 111:10 

     The problem of writing  about wisdom is that the reader presumes that the writer is wise.  Of course, the writer does  not consider that to be the case, but is interested in God’s Word with regard to this matter.

   Soldier of The Cross,  isn’t Wisdom agreement with God?  Is there a more refined definition?

   What is it that you think you know?  Didn’t ‘He say that we have to come as  a little child?  What does the child have?   Availability.  No presumptions or  superior knowledge and no agenda.

   Soldier of The Cross, agree with God.  Therein lies the ultimate Wisdom, and you do not have to understand.  You have only to know for yourself  that the Bible is true and that He can be trusted.



   Soldier, misunderstanding is one of the most difficult situations in life.

   So, you must go to The Word.  What does God say? 

   You are not to be offended.  You are not to rush in without prayer.  Prayer that is in agreement with God is a protection against self-serving goals.

   The most important thing is to refrain from heavy-handing the situation.  If there is deliberate and  honest prayer that agrees with God’s Word, there will be perspective, and there will be a Place to be while the matter is being resolved.

   We live in a fallen world.  We are sojourners and pilgrims, which means that there can be no investment in the things that would encumber the pace.

   You are a Soldier of The Cross.  That means that your eyes are fixed on the Lord Jesus.  It means that you know with Whom you will spend eternity.  It means that you know what things are of the most value.

   Make sure you are immersed in His Word.  Study.  Memorize.  Read the biographies of those who have gone before.

   Pray aloud.  Pour out your heart to the One who holds the stars in place.
   There is  nowhere else to go.
   There is no one else.

   Be reminded that you have been rescued because of Love.
   Love went to The Cross.
   Love named you.
   Love is preparing a Place for you.

   The Rock of Ages is  not moving.  Rest your all on Him.

Judge Not:

   The reason the Lord is so stern about not judging one another is because judging involves interpreting motive or action.    We have many warnings about judging one another.  Oh, how tempting it is to decide what another is thinking.  Or feeling.  I have heard people develop entire scenarios and justify their opinions because they may have seen the accused party grimace at something.    Be careful.  If you are judging, it means that you are filling in the blanks.  It means that you are assuming things that you do not know.  It means that based on your one life and limited experience., you are interpreting components of another life. Those components are actually unknown to you.   The Bible says that only  God sees the heart.  Is that true, or are you adding yourself to the list?  Of course not.  You are humble before Him and you are willing to let Him  who sees the heart decide what is there.    Soldier of The Cross, there is much to do.  Many are hurting.  Many are ill and many are alone.  Children wander the streets in other countries and much of the world is hungry.  Millions are without the Gospel.    You must  not waste time setting yourself up as the, or a, judge of another.    Be about your Father's Business.

Always more:

   We serve a God who is  not limited.    We have the limitations  - these bodies, this world, finite minds, etc.  But He is not limited in any way whatsoever.  And so, He has made it clear in His Word that we are to learn to depend on Him.    The flesh is constantly struggling to survive and wants desperately to be in control.  The Spirit is always gently pointing to the Lord and reminding the Soldier of The Cross that His ways are higher than anything else.    In the same manner that He "confounds the wise", our God often uses the unexpected and the unwelcome to answer prayer.     When we pray about a matter we can know He is listening, we can know that He understands far better than we, and we know that He is going to intervene for our best.    Soldier, when you pray, look for Him.   Do  not be irritated or distracted when the answer is  not immediate or when things seem to go the wrong way.  Agree with God.    You are not on your own and if you will wait for Him, you will find His way to be far better.

Your Treasure:

   What does it mean to be a Soldier of The Cross?     It means you have made a decision to take God at His Word.  You recognize that who He is and what He offers are greater than all else in existence.  You want to be a disciple, and you heard Him say that in order to be such, you must take up your Cross daily and follow Him.    Is there another way to get there?  No.    What is the Cross?  The Bible teaches that it is the place of the death of the flesh.  It is the place where the "old man" is dealt with.  It is the place where self-preservation and self-defense are dealt with.  It is the place where others come first.  It is the place where God's agenda is embraced without question.    Soldier, you can not name anything better.  Not riches, not fame, nor security, nor even religion.    You must be eager to follow Him and do things His way.  You do  not need to take anyone's word for it - He is fully able to show you Himself.       When you make yourself available in prayer, you cross The Line.  He will respond and He will lead you into the Hebrews  Chapter 4 Sabbath Rest.     According to His Word, He is waiting to bless.  He is waiting to reveal Himself.  He is waiting to heal, particularly the unseen sores and bruises.  He is waiting to take the remaining days and hours and wants to prepare His Own for heaven.    It is about Love.  Can He be trusted?     Why is it so difficult for Christians to take up The Cross?   Either He is for you or against you.  And, of course, you know the answer.    Tel Him you will be a Soldier.  Tell Him today.    Tell Him aloud.

Day by Day:

   What a tremendous life is ours!    Because of Grace, we are able to move though life without guilt.    Because of Grace, we have the possibility of living without worry.    Because of Grace, we know where we are headed.    Because of Grace, we can approach the Throne and ask for help.    Because of Grace, we have the Indwelling Holy Spirit.    Because of Grace, we can intercede for others.    Soldier of The Cross, do  not live as though there were no Grace.  What He has done for us changes everything.  We have more than Christian information.  We have Him, His leading and His Provision.     No one deserves this kind of life - that is what makes Grace so precious.    Look up and move on.

Your Life:

   If today's words were recorded, would your purpose in life be evident?    The heart certainly does pour out of the mouth.    Soldier of The Cross, if you are following Him, it is  not possible to refrain from talking about Him.  If you are gazing upon Him, it is impossible to refrain from describing Him.  If you are listening for Him, you will quote Him.  If you are speaking to Him, you will be repeating something said.    For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.      Romans 1:16

The Tongue:

   God's Word has much to say about the tongue.    Some folks are too quick to speak. Proverbs 18:13 says "He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him." Christians should be careful in giving advice.  I have seen people swell with importance when asked to lend an opinion about something.  I have also seen people try to live out the lives of others by desperately attempting to influence important decisions that should only be made by the person directly affected.    Of course we need each other.  We need exhortation.  We need encouragement.  We need to be able to pray together.  We also need to make sure we are not leading or encouraging horizontal lives, but that we are in mutual support of a living relationship with the One who designed it all.    We certainly need each other, but we look to Him for guidance.  The balance is in the relationship with Him.  It is far too easy for some to want someone else to call the shots.  He said He would lead us with His eyes, and , so He will.