
   Remember, God's Grace is greater than all your sin.    It is easy to cheapen the Grace of God.  The mind wants to equate His Grace with the forgiven sin.  Such is not the case.  The mind can not conceive of the vastness of His Grace.    There must be a decisive receiving of His Love and Grace.  Otherwise, the Soldier of The Cross is always suffering from the penetrating darts of the enemy.  When He is taken at His Word and there is no more comparison between the offenses and the forgiveness, there is freedom to enjoy New Life in a deeper dimension.    Soldier of The Cross, your sins are removed as far as the east is from the west.  Stop looking back and/or self-examining.  The Holy Spirit is able to reveal anything that ought to be shed.   Look up and move on.

Faith and Sight:

   The Christian who is walking by sight is always evaluating the circumstances.    In fact, it is difficult to help such a one, because all conversation must revolve around how bad thigns are and what things ought to be done.  There are no ears to hear anything about faith or of relying on God, because things appear to be so bad.    Such Christians are always living in trauma.  The Peace that can be theirs is never experienced because they are so convinced that the thing before them must be changed.  To them, the change eviddences God's attention.  His Word is not enough.    The Lord does not work that way.  He is seen by faith.  His timing is different and His methods are far from anything we would design.    Soldier of The Cross, knowing God means looking at Him.    Looking at Him means looking away from the immediate, to gaze upon the eternal.

Your Life:

   Soldier of The Cross, you were chosen and set apart before you were born (Galatians and all the rest of God's Word).    There is a distinct and undeniable purpose to your life.  Not only have you been chosen, but  you have been set apart.  You also have a job to do, and that is to be revealed in a day by day walk with the Lord Jesus.     This is a marvelous thing.  It means that you are woven into The Plan and that you have the assurance of the revelation of, or leading into the purpose for which you were intended.    There are many who desperately seek the will of God.  This is not necessary.  He does not hide His will, nor does He ask His Own to do anything to find Him.  He does not make it hard and He does not require different things of different followers.  He requires only  one thing - faith.    You know He has called you.  In fact, you have responded.     Soldier, stand before Him, Tell Him you will follow.  Tell Him you are available.  It is not hard - it is simple.  Trust Him.    Aloud.  Now.

Day by Day:

   He does not give strength for tomorrow.    He only gives strength for today.  Why is that?    It is because He has designed you to have a relationship with Him.  He has designed you to follow Him.  He has designed you to be in love with Him.  He has designed you to believe Him.    Soldier of The Cross, if you deviate from any of these vectors, you will become myopic and fearful.  You will need to have assurance of things that have already been resolved.    The issue is, are you able to believe Him?    Are you able to obey Him?    Are you able to worship Him?    Are you able to Love Him?    Are you able to share Him?    Soldier, these things happen in prayer.  Aloud.    Tell Him now.

The Basics:

    Maturity is not complimented by complexity.     Neither is depth the fruit of study or asceticism.  The riches that are to be found in Christ are profoundly simple and are revealed by revelation.     Those who pray according to His Word will see and know Him. If He can only be known by faith, the playing field has been levelled.  Young and old can know Him.  The educated and the mentally handicapped can know Him.    Soldier of The Cross, the issue is faith.  Can He be believed or not?    It is simple.  Just not always easy.    Agreeing with God takes place in prayer.

Life or Death?

   Romans 8:6 (Amplified Version) reads:      Now the mind of the flesh [which is sense and reason without the Holy Spirit] is death [death that comprises all the miseries arising from sin, both here and hereafter].  But the mind of the [Holy] Spirit is life and [soul] peace [both now and forever].    What distinguishes a Soldier of The Cross?     There is a Line that is crossed.    A Call has been answered. Many ignore the Call.  Crossing The Line means choosing to follow Him , no matter what.  It means taking God at His Word.  Agreeing with Him.   Such is the theme of the whole of God's Word.     Those who are really His choose to see according to His Word.  They live according to His Word.  They speak according to His Word.  They think according to His Word.    To step aside from following Him, one must analyse without faith.  Think without faith.  Oppose His Word. Yield to the gravitation of the flesh.     Soldier, it is simply not worth it.  The result is the experience of spiritual death.  Depression, anger, resentment and blindness. Spiritual poverty.    Press into the Battle.  Take up The Sword.  Put on the full Armour.    Look up.  Move on!


   You must thank him for everything.    When you crossed The Line, you left behind your right to argue with God.  That means, He is right no matter what.  That means He can be taken at His Word.  That means you agree that He is allowing what is the Best for you.    Soldier of The Cross, you have chosen well.  You have chosen the only Path that leads to Eternal Life.    Trust The One Who holds the stars in Place.    Thank Him for everything- even the very hardest things.    Today.    Aloud.


   Heaven help the one who thinks he is humble.    God's Word says that humility means agreeing with God.  It begins with acknowledging how great God is, and how small we are.     It is the nature of the flesh to compete with God.      It is the nature of the flesh to have to be right.      It is the nature of the flesh to want control.     It is the nature of the flesh to strike back.     It is the nature of the flesh to have to know what is going to happen.     It is the nature of the flesh to defend sin.     It is the nature of the flesh to bury treasure.    Soldier of The Cross,  you have crossed The Line.  That means that you have told Him you will take up The Cross daily.  It means that you are attracted to Him and you have responded to the call to discipleship.  It means that you have already decided His way is far beyond yours and that you will no longer assert your right to compete with God.    The Cross means the death of the flesh.    Is He right or are you right?  Can there possibly be any argument?  God is either right or He is not God.    Soldier, He is right.  He is God.  There is no other.    He is.    It changes everything.  Agree with God.  Aloud.    Today.

All Things New:

   Nothing about the Lord gets old.    Those who walk with Him experience newness all the time.  Even when they are  tired, hungry, cold and lonely, there is the fresh newness of His Life.    Soldier of The Cross, if you look for Him, you will see Him.    If you wait for Him, He will not let you down.    It you cast your cares upon Him, He will lighten your load.    It is his intent to have a relationship with you and shower you with blessing..  You are not some experiment in a pietri dish.  He bled and died for you.  He rose again, and He is preparing a place for you.  He has been exquisitely clear - His Word lays it all out.    Trust and obey.    Those who will follow Him will walk in newness of Life.    Is there anything better?

Your Treasure:

    Where is your Treasure?     Is it in arranging things so that there are no storms?     Is it in being right?     It is in being financially secure?     Is it in making sure your family is perfect? Or, that they think you are perfect?     Is it in a good reputation?     All of the above are about control.  He who gave Himself as a Ransom for Many relinquished control when He came a s a baby and subsequently suffered and died a public death.    Soldier, the issue is, can He be believed or not?  If so, a number of decisions must be made.  They must be affirmed in prayer and, affirmed aloud.    In terms of faith, it simply does not matter what is before you.  The issue is His Word.  He cares about the circumstances and He has said that He would settle the matter.  Are you available to His solution?  Must you have your own?    All day and every day, we must remember that we are pilgrims and sojourners.  Do you agree or disagree? Is there any other route?    His Word is clear and resounds throughout eternity.  There is simply no escape.  It changes daily life. It changes thought. It changes availability.    He is the Life.  The Truth.  The Way.    He is The Door    There is  no other.    Simple.