Pray Much:
In heaven, you should be known as one who prays much.
We are told to pray at all times. We are told to pray for all men everywhere. God's Word says much about prayer, and there is no question that heaven moves when God's people pray.
Soldier of the Cross, in your Christian life, is there anything more resisted than prayer?
Pray aloud.
If possible, have a consistent time when you are alone.
Take hold of the fact that He is an acute listener.
The Indwelling Holy Spirit will lead you if you are available. There are some curious features of regular prayer. The longer you pray about something, the more confident you become that He is listening and that He will do as you have asked. It is not possible to bring the same thing before the Lord day after day, year after year, unless there is supernatural empowerment.
Be careful when praying about the lives of others. It can be tempting to pray for certain specific things that you think would be good for another. In some cases, it is possible to pray amiss and to actually interfere with what might otherwise be holy Spirit-driven prayer.
We can always pray for another to see Jesus clearly. We can always pray for hearts to be able to be available. We can always pray for wisdom. We can always pray for discernment.
I have often asked the Lord for things that I did not know He would bring. Some He has and some He has not. Some things I have asked for once and have seen come to fruition in a way that only He could do. Other things I have requested and they have not been granted.
But those things that He enables the praying Soldier to bring to Him over the course of time, He will do.
When we get to heaven, we will realize that His work was done only by prayer. We will see that so much more could have been done, had there been more prayer. And, we will see that we often bore burdens and missed delights because of a lack of prayer.
Soldier, govern your body. Get in a posture of prayer. If you have to stand in a bucket of ice to keep yourself awake, do it.