These Hours:

     Lord, tonight I stand before you and bring you the hours that are to come.

     The matter before me is such that I need a provision I cannot define in prayer.

     Lord, please do the deepest work in me in order to bring about your likeness.  I stand on your Word and your Promises and trust you. 

     I call to you who holds the stars in place.  I only ask to see you and to recognize you in order to pass through each hour in obedient thought.  I understand you have already worked it out, but I need you so.

     It is my prayer tonight that you be glorified.

The Hidden Things:

     The farther we go with God, the clearer the sight.

     He is infinitely deep, yet simple enough for a child.  He loves us enough to lead us into the discovery of Him and His ways. 

      Much of the time there are things that are hidden from us until we ask Him to show us what is happening.  He rarely explodes light on a matter instantly.  That would be blinding.   Instead, He takes us through the process that is individual and draws us to Himself.

     "Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand)."
           Jeremiah 33:3 (Amplified Bible)

     What a tremendous Promise. 

     He intends that those who are His should see Him more and more clearly and delight in Him. 

     Claim the verse and call on Him.


      If the Lord came to you, assuring you He would be in control of every detail regardless of how it seemed, and asked you to take on the thing you are going through now, you would have gladly said yes.

      Now you are struggling with loneliness, frustration, impatience and a helpless, drowning feeling because it seems things will never be resolved as you think they should be.

      Yet, He has come to you and has given you His Word that you can hold in your hand, His Word with which you can feed your mind and His Word which calms the emotions.

      He has assured you over and over that not only is He in control, but that He does not make mistakes.

      It has to do with faith and putting your weight on His Promises and the whole of His Word.

      You are a Soldier of The Cross. You have already decided to walk by faith and to let Him call all the shots, even when you are sure things are the reverse of how they should be. He does care about our lives and wants us to trust Him and glorify Him before the unseen hosts. Remember the beginning of the Book of Job? The Lord said to satan, "Have you seen my servant Job?"

      Put your name in the question in place of Job's.

      You told Him you would follow Him. There is no learning of Him without walking by faith and there is no faith without the need to exercise it.

      Faith is exercised only when God is not limited by our running ahead of Him or our refusing to be humble in prayer about the matter.

      Often the Lord speaks to us through the very things we say to Him in prayer. Come to Him today and as you are standing before Him, declare again that you are a Blood-bought Soldier. List to Him the reasons you know He is in control. Tell Him you intend to let Him have full play and you will follow Him moment by moment.

      Do this alone and aloud.

Look For The Lord:

     Soldier of The Cross, when something unexpected happens, look for the Lord immediately.

     Flat tire?  Assume that you should focus on the next person you see.  Pray about the personal ministry at that moment.  The tire is never the issue. 

     Sudden change in plans?  If it can't be fixed, look for the Lord.  Layover in the airport?  Who is sitting near you?

     Are there gaps when the Lord is not in control?

     Years ago I had been speaking in
Vancouver and had driven a rental car to Spokane, Washington where I was to catch a flight.  Travels had taken me to several locations in just a few days and I was fatigued.

     All I could think about was getting on the plane and sleeping for hours.  The plane wasn't full, but I was one of the few passengers seated next to someone else.  I remember having the initial thought that the Lord had chosen that person and that there was work to do, but I was so tired, I rationalized my way into silence.

     Twenty minutes into the flight, the pilot announced that there was a door open, placing everyone in jeopardy and he was returning to the airport.  I knew it was not for nothing, and although I can't say "The Lord told me. . ." I knew that I belonged to Him, and that meant there was a responsibility to represent Him. 

     I am not proud of the attitude I had, but I turned to the woman seated next to me and without introduction simply said "Would you like to invite the Lord into your life and be born again?"  Of course, I felt like a fool and expected immediate rejection. 

     She looked at me and said, "Yes.  Can you help me?  My neighbor has been talking to me about this for years and I have just decided it is what I want."

     The woman accepted Christ and we spent the rest of the flight in conversation about Him.

     I learned my lesson.    


Before The Throne:

      No one can put your burden down for you.

     You must come boldly before the Throne of Grace.  (Hebrews 4:16)  You must state your case, your right to come by The Blood and your intent in stepping out in faith because of The Word.

     The matter may be as detailed as you like, but in the end, you must tell Him that you give it to Him by faith.  He'll take it as He promised.

     So many bend under burdens that cannot be borne.  His yoke is easy and His burden is light.  He said so. (Matthew 11:30)

     Letting the matter go in prayer is something that is learned by experience.  It does not always feel like something has happened, but that is why we walk by faith instead of feeling.  There will be more light on the situation.  The Spirit will initiate His thoughts to your mind.  Your heart will be calm instead of stirred up.

     It is not possible that He will ignore the request.

    Tell Him you will obey in this area and He will lead.  Talk to Him aloud.  

     You must be free to move, serve and love.

Who Are You?

     You are a Soldier of The Cross.

     That means you have told the Lord He can do anything with your life, and you have made the affirmative decision to take up The Cross, and follow hard after Him.

     Who are you?  You are none of the things the enemy whispers to you, especially in the night.

     You are the focus of His loving attention.
     You are a member of His Body.
     You are an adopted Son.
     You are of the Royal Race.  

     The Word was written for you.
     The Creator of the universe died for you.
     The King of Glory rose in victory and is preparing a Place for you.

     The unseen hosts are watching your life in awe.

     You have been redeemed.  Filled.  Healed.  You are being prepared for eternity.  His banner over you is Love.

     Look up and move on!           

The Stretch:

       The pursuit of God is a deliberate decision and means being available to learn to rely on Him in the wildest part of the storm.  And, it is not possible to learn such without going through the storm.  The storm offers the possibility of choice, bringing the decision to life.

     The Lord stretches us beyond settled comfort.  He is always moving us on in spite of the objections of the flesh.  He intends that we should walk on the water and know Him in situations that are beyond any realm of human control.

      Following the Lord means that you must be available to be stretched beyond your concept of endurance.

     Soldier, make your decision.   




      He brought me forth into a large place; He delivered me because He delighted in me.
                  II Samuel
22:20 (Amplified Bible)

       What is His intention for you?  That you should live and move and have your being in Him (Acts
17:28) and operate in freedom. 

       Soldier of The Cross, there is no freedom without the death of the flesh.  That is what The Cross is all about.  The yielding to Him in areas that are not compatible with His Life:
         Needing to be right;
         Needing approval;
         Needing tangible security;
         Issues of the tongue;
         Having to be in control all the time;

      The Lord longs to free us from the things that distract from Heaven's agenda.

     How can we live in Him when we are living for ourselves?  If it were not so critical, He would not have given Himself for us.

     This is not about self-evaluation, rather it is about submission.  The issue is, are you willing to be changed into His likeness?   Can you see Him?  Are you willing to be transformed?  May He use your life to reveal Himself?

     Tell Him.
     Today.   There is nothing else.  There is no one else.

No Smell of the Fire:

     Tonight Lord, I want to thank you for the hard things.

     I take you at your Word and believe that you have allowed this because it is good for me and is somehow an answer to prayer.  I have asked to be changed and to be made like you.  I have told you I want you to do anything you will with my life.

     I meant it, and I mean it now.

     As I stand before you, I choose to rest in your promises and your faithfulness to use for your Glory all that is yielded to you.

     So Lord, I accept this matter as from your hand.  While I pray it through, I ask that you do the deepest work in my heart in order to make me like you. 

     I want to be a trusted Soldier and know that you are able to take me through the hottest furnace, only to bring me out without any lingering smell of the fire.

     Whatever it takes Lord.  I am willing.
     Thank you for loving me enough to teach me to trust.


     Those who want to know the Lord are taken through rigors that result in organic discipline.

     Heavenly fellowship cannot be had with one whose thoughts and time are disorganized.  When there is a decision to follow and serve the Lord, His order begins to form in that life. 

     One of the rarest disciplines is that of the regular quiet time.  Another is a tongue under control.  Another is the efficient use of time.

     Soldier of The Cross, don't compare yourself with anyone else.  Yes, we are running a race, but we are not in competition with each other.

     Give your time, faculties and body to the Lord daily and tell Him you want to be changed.   Getting used to everything and settling down for life is not in the Plan.  Those who follow hard after Him discover that they are always being stretched and that He can be trusted in the process. 

     Agreeing with God is the ultimate discipline.  We are not trying to do everything better - we are getting to know a Person.   We rise from our knees poised and ready for the next move. 

     There is always something new, and much of the time we must deal with things that range from unwelcome to wrenching.  Yet all the while, the Indwelling Holy Spirit reveals an infinitely interesting Lover of the Soul.

     He is a craftsman.  He knows what He is doing. 

     Soldier, do the next thing that must be done.  Pray about moving though the day in Love and seek to learn to follow Him through the day.  Govern your thoughts.  Govern your body.  Govern your tongue.

     This is not a hyper-spiritual exercise. 
     It is a practical and real pilgrim experience.