Go With The Flow:
God's Word tells us that He can easily move the one who is looking and waiting for Him.
This means that following the Lord is a matter that is predetermined, long before He presents the choice. When speaking to women's groups, I have often said that if you have told the Lord He could do anything and that you would agree with Him, you will never be one of those who when interviewed after a fire, desperately sob that they have lost all and have nothing left.
Last year, our church saw a demonstration of this. A young family was spending the night in the parsonage. Mom, a pianist and harpist, was asleep with her three children, while Dad was with the pastor, picking up a missionary at the airport at five in the morning.
On the way to the airport, Dad got a call from a neighbor of his, an hour away. The neighbor was beside himself, because the beautiful new home of Mom and Dad had just exploded in a fire ball, and the fire chief was afraid the family had expired in the flames.
Everything was gone. In fact, there was nothing but charred remains. The harp and the piano both were a pile of ashes and insurance did not cover the loss.
In the weeks and months to come, there was not a single mark in the speech or on the personality of either Mom of Dad that indicted regretting the loss. They had long since predetermined that God could give or take. It was a stunning witness to the church, to their families and to the community.
What a victory in the unseen.
Soldier of The Cross, consider this with regard to any loss or hardship. Are you His? Is He able? It does not mean we can't grieve. Of course we grieve. But the sting is gone and the loss can be sweet when we agree with God.
We are here such a short time and we must poise for our opportunity to agree with Him.
After all, there is nothing else.
There is no one else.
You must tell Him you will bend at the slightest indication of His will, and you must tell Him aloud.
Tell Him early and often.