The Thrill:

     One of the highest forms of worship is the thrill of fellowship that comes about when meeting those who are in love with the Lord.

     Many are in love with Christianity.  Others with activity.  Others with the culture.

     Those who love the Lord are like Him and filled with Him.  Heaven's sparks are given off when contact is made.

     Being in love with the Lord is more than being attracted to Him.  It means having gone through some tough times and having agreed with Him in the worst of it.  It means knowing that His way is best even when not as comfortable as your way.

     It means submitting to all that He is and all that He wants.

     Water seeks its own level and fellowship is no exception.


     The Soldier of the Cross is not allowed to be offended.

     It is not about being thick-skinned. It is about agreeing with God, and allowing Him to do a deep work that brings about His own likeness. 

     Believes are offended when there is some bruise, scar or pride issue, all of which must be taken to Him in prayer.  The offended one does not realize that in reality he is being held by his own reaction.    He is looking at the offender and blaming that person for his own discomfort.

     When the door is opened to the Lord and He is allowed to come in and sup with the Christian, there is a healing that diminishes the unhealthy place.  At the same time there is Light to see what is really happening.

     We are not squishy or numb, but we are supernaturally enabled to enjoy Him, serve and love without missing a beat.

     Why should I waste time fuming about something someone has said or done?  What about "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do" ?

     There is no time for wound-licking, and no Bible verse to back it up.

     Take the matter to the Lord and agree with Him.


A Song in the Night:

     Have you read Amy Carmichael's "If" book?

     What about Elisabeth Elliot's  "Through Gates of Splendor" or "A Chance to Die?  Or Helen Roseveare's "Though Lions Roar"?  How about Darlene Deibler Rose's "Evidence Not Seen"?  The remarkable books by Pauline Hamilton?  Patricia St. John is a must-read.

     I could list a hundred more. 

     He gives a song in the night.  How can that be?  Why?

     Because He does not just meet the need.  He is far more than the need.  He is always more than enough.

     Soldier of The Cross,  understand that He has far more in mind than just getting you through the the crisis.  He is the Lover of Your Soul and loves you enough to prepare you to be with Him for all eternity.

     Are you available?

     Lord Jesus, I stand before you and by faith declare to you that I will agree with you in the matter that is far too great for me. 
     I will listen for you.
     I will watch for you.
     I will agree with you no matter what.

     It is clear to me that the song you have put in my heart cannot be muffled by anything while I agree with you.
     I love you Lord.
   Please do anything that needs to be done in the deepest recess of my heart.  Anything, Lord.  Anything.

Living for Jesus:

     There is a wonderful old song by this title:  Living for Jesus.

     It reflects the posture of one who has made a firm decision to step away from the world and live unto the Lord.

     Rarely does a person accept Christ and then make an immediate U-turn in all areas.  There is a beautiful process whereby the believer is privileged to respond to the challenge of God's Word, receive the counsel of mature Brothers and Sisters, and learn to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in prayer. 

     Most of modern Christianity has become community and experience driven, rather than Lord centered.

     When the Christian is taught that he must leave all behind, take up the Cross and follow the Lord, he is confronted by the initial decision:  is he or is he not willing to pay the price? 

     Every story that stirs the heart begins with a deep and private decision that results in a public display of yieldedness.  And, the main character of that story is allowed test after test, in order to bring him constantly back to that precious bottom line.

     Soldier of the Cross, it is usually the little snigly things of every day life that eat away at the soul via the mind.  Nevertheless, whether tragedy or thistles, the bottom line always remains the same.

     This is the refrain of the song:

     O Jesus, Lord and Savior, I give myself to Thee,
     For Thou, in Thy atonement, didst give Thyself for me.
     I own no other Master, my heart shall be Thy throne.
     My life I give, henceforth to live, O Christ, for Thee alone.

The Victory:

    The Victory in Heaven happens when the Soldier of The Cross agrees with God.

    Victory is not about winning in Time.  After all, what about Paul?  What about Moses?  What about the prophets?  Soldier, you must understand that the matter before you is an eternal matter, not one of Time.

     There is no situation on earth that is not addressed in God's Word.

     He will never interrupt you.
     He will never misunderstand you.
     He will never hold it against you.
     He will never tire of you.

     Tell Him all about it.  Tell Him aloud.  Tell Him that you want to be changed. Tell Him about the things that weigh you down.   Learn the habit of laying it all out before Him .

     Do it today.
     Do it  aloud.

Each Step of The Way:

     The Lord does not lead a blind-folded Christian through thick and thin.

     As we get to know Him and learn to follow Him, we learn to pray in such a manner that the Holy Spirit is free to shed more and more light on His ability to provide, His capacity to Love us, His desire to reveal Himself, and His tender care for His Body.       

     Why is it so thrilling to be with those who have walked with Him for a lifetime?  Because while they know enough to trust Him in the thickest fog, they also know that He will let them see the things that have to be seen.

     Soldier of The Cross, why is it called blind faith?  I have not seen that term in the Bible.  Faith is not the result of a mind persuaded.  It is the result of a supernatural Presence and work in the heart and soul of one who has been set apart unto Him and agrees with Him.

     The beauty of faith is that it allows the leaning of the entire personality and thought life on what He has said.

     It is so practical.   If I have a hard time over something, I am the problem.  He is not having a hard time over anything.  Even if the thing before me is explosive, it is completely detonated when brought to Him in faith.  It may still explode, but faith places the whole thing at the feet of the One who holds the stars in place.

     He who is The Light can be completely trusted.


     He is The Truth.


     Soldier of The Cross, you do not have the right to understand.
     You do not have the right to be in control.
     You do not have the right to be understood.
     You do not have the right to demand anything at all.

     This is about eternity.  This is about who He is, not about who you are.   He has gone after you, won you, and you are His.  Bought with a Price.  Right?   Adopted into the Kingdom of His Dear Son.  The Kingdom of Light.

     Each day brings about the delights of choice.  We who are His decide according to His Word.  Why?  Because there is nothing else.  There is no one else.

     Lord, as I come before you tonight, I thank you that I know I have a Place to go.    I boldly come before the Throne of Grace and tell you that I want to be a Soldier of The Cross at any cost.  Any cost at all.
     And Lord, please dig into the deepest recesses of my heart in order to make me more like you.
     Change me, Lord.  Whatever it takes.


     It is not a problem if it is not a problem.

     That is why it is so important to agree with God.

     Soldier of The Cross, you can't avoid grief, betrayal, unfairness, loneliness, heartache and sickness.  You can agree with God now before the next discomfort presents itself.  You must tell Him He can have His way.  In so doing, the sting is removed from the pain, even though the pain is very real.

     Then, it is The Cross, rather than a problem.

     The Servant who comes before the Lord in this manner is also protected from gloating when experiencing any human achievement or victory.

     There is no question about my tiny, little worm's eye view.  There is no question about His Righteousness, His Sovereignty and His Promises.

     Doesn't that settle the matter?
     Agree with God before, during and after the fiery trial.    

His Timing:

     God's timing is one of the great mysteries of this life.

     The bottom line is, it is His business and not ours.  We would do things so differently.  And of course, there is not a chance we would choose His timing.  We want to see the horizoned rescue at the instant of distress.  Our choice would be to avoid all waiting.

     Here is the question:  is there any possibility that His way is less complete?  Less good for us? 

     Have you heard anything stranger than waiting for the sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry trees?   Why should you wait when your muscles are bulging, your energy is high and your weapons are gleaming?  Can't we put everything in order now?

     Soldier of The Cross, this life is about earning to agree with God.  First we come under the Blood and then we get to know Him.  We follow and obey Him.  Learning to obey is not an overnight process.  

     Learning to obey is far, far more threatening to the flesh than putting the pieces together by sight.
     Learning to obey is not cheap.
     Learning to obey is a discipline that allows the Lord to use every aspect of your life.
     Learning to obey begets learning to obey.

     While He cares about each detail and rescues us Today, He is preparing us to be with Him forever and forever.  It takes the fire and the flood to bring up the deepest things that must be laid at His feet.

     What do you really want?  The problem solved as quickly as possible? 
     Or, can He be trusted to create Glory out of what feels like impending failure?

     You must tell Him you want His way in His time, over all else.
     Aloud.  Today.      

My Need For Him:

     My need for the Lord does not come and go.

     The longing for Him should not ebb and flow with circumstances.

     I must decide that I will be a Liviing Sacrifice and that I will step over the line, volunteering to be a Soldier of The cross and serve Him no matter what.  As soon as I make that decision and declare it to Him, I begin to see circumstances differently. 

     As I scramble away from the things that distract and follow after Him,  there are just as many problems.  Maybe even more.  But I have obeyed and there is room for the Holy Spirit to lead, comfort, advise and reveal. 

     Things begin to even out, because He is the issue now, not getting it together.  Not building a life.  Not self-protection.

     As I see Him more clearly, I begin to be more like Him, and I want to be with Him more and more.  I seek out the richest fellowship I can find.  I dig into The Word.  I learn to lay down my life for the Brethren.

    He becomes so attractive to me that I sing about Him and talk about Him all the time. 

     He created me to need Him.  

             I need Thee every hour, most gracious Lord;
             No tender voice like Thine can peace afford.

             I need Thee every hour, in joy or pain;
             Come quickly and abide, or life is in vain.

            I need Thee, O I need Thee;
            Every hour I need Thee;
            O bless me now, my Savior,
            I come to Thee.