
     Neither you nor I know what is best for us.

     We have the Word of God, and so we have Light for living.   We are aware of the things that feel good, that feel bad and we evaluate everything around based on what we think the result will be.

     Because He has said that He alone knows what is best and will withhold no good thing from us, we disobey unless we agree with Him.  The attitude must be one that reflects truth.  Real truth.  Not just our assessment of the circumstances.

     What is your attitude about change?
     About being stretched?
     About loss?
     About forgiveness?
     May He do absolutely anything with your life?  Or are there limits?

     In the vastness of His depth there is the assurance that He does not make mistakes.

     He has called you and you have responded.  He is asking for a response that reflects absolute trust concerning the unknown and the things that seem to threaten security.  After all, there is no security outside of a faith-walk.

     Soldier of The Cross, everything falls under this.

     The living sacrifice does not lie on the altar, all the while fretting and moaning about his position.  He chose to be there and his attitude is that of one who has set aside his right to run his own life.  He does not wave a list of grievances. He now belongs to another and will not have anything to do with a diluted purpose.

     For the Soldier of The Cross, attitude is something that is predetermined.  It happens in prayer.   Standing before the Lord and praying to be changed makes more room for the Holy Spirit.  Agreeing with God allows the Christian to wear an attitude that reflects the Lord.

     What a privilege!

Oh, How I Love Jesus. . .

     Lord, I am so grateful that you called me to yourself.

     My tendency is to deal with the immediate, but my stated desire before you is that you would teach me to invest in eternity without giving in to distraction.   My Lord and My God, please do whatever is needed in the deepest parts of me, in order to bring about your likeness in me.

     Again Lord, I tell you that I want to be so available that I can be easily led by the Holy Spirit.

     I love you.  There is none other.  I love everything about you.    I love your creativity.  I love your faithfulness.  I love it that you are the Rock of Ages.

     Lord, please let me recognize you more quickly.  Please fill me with your love.    Reveal yourself to me anew.

     Change me.
     Use me.
     Please reveal yourself through my life


     When will He answer?

     Why does it appear that He is not going to do anything about it?

     Remember, time is a dimension designed to compel mankind to make decisions concerning eternity.   His relationship to time is different than ours.

     What does the bible say?

     He heard you.  He is never late.  Unless you are deliberately disobeying, He has you right where he wants you for today - even if it is not where you want to be.  He is the great Communicator and has no trouble letting you know when to do what.

     The One who holds the stars in place is also holding you.

The Hot Heart:

      What stirs you the most?

     For me, it is that He first loved us.

     Then, it is the accounts of those Soldiers of The Cross who have been eager to be used in any way He wanted.  There have been so few, yet so many.  In my constant search for new missionary biographies, I always find someone of whom I have never heard.

     Can you say your heart is hot for Him?  There are times of sorrow, frustration, fear and often numbness.  But at all times, it is possible for us to encourage ourselves in the Lord as did David. (I Samuel 30:6)  We have no idea what David did.  It is a good thing we don't know, because if we did, we would try to do the same thing.

     Three years after I met the Lord I was a wreck.   I felt betrayed and trapped.  I was so devastated I could barely function.   I found myself in a bowling alley in Keene,
New Hampshire.  There was a Christian bookstore next to it, so first I went into the bookstore and bought Elizabeth Eliott's "Love Has a Price tag."    Then, I went next door to the bowling alley and tried to think of the most rebellious thing I could do.  I decided to buy a beer.  It was not a very successful expression of rebellion because I have always loathed beer and could not drink it.

      But the book was fabulous.  I drank deeply from the pages.

     When I returned home to
Maine, I decided to get the best Christian biographies I could find, and devour them.  Immediately I was encouraged.    I began to be released to pray, sing and memorize again.   The Lord had been real to me from the day of salvation, but I had been stuck in my own emotions.

     The Lord intends for His Own to walk in release and abundant life.  It is not about ease or human safety, but it is about a faith walk that lays it all on the line in order to be completely available to what ever He wants.

     Isn't that beautiful to you?
     Isn't that what you want?

     Is there anything better?

Leave it With Him:

     The brain rams at the situation over and over in an effort to gain just a little control in the form of understanding the situation.

     It just can not be understood right now.  This is a time to take it to Him and let Him have all of the matter - by faith.  This happens in prayer and will probably need to happen over and over and over.

     He who listens is able.  Completely able.  If you had the capacity to understand it, you would not be struggling so hard to get a handle on it.  It is what it is, and only He knows why and how it will play out.  Of course we pray these things through, but not because we understand. 

     No faith, no release.

     Soldier of The Cross, He does things that seem strange to us.  Our responsibility is to trust and obey.

     No matter what.           

God Loves a Cheerful giver:

     I told the story of Mr. Brunken in Sunday School this morning.

     Mr. Brunken was a major supporter of Prairie Bible Institute and has long since gone to be with the Lord.  As soon as he was saved he and his wife began working and earning money in order to give it away - to support Prairie and a particular radio program they loved. 

     Mr. and Mrs. Brunken had no education and never attended Prairie, but they believed in the training of missionaries to the extent that they raised herds of cattle, farmed the land and did whatever they could to raise money for the Lord's work.  When a large yield was hailed out one year, the Brunkens prayed for other work in order to be able to continue supporting

     And, they delighted in it.  The students who knew Mr. Brunken, most of whom are either with the Lord or retired, were deeply affected by his attitude.  By today's standards and label, he was not in "full-time Christian ministry" but he certainly was by God's standards.  Those who wrote about him said he was so full of the Lord that he was a major spiritual influence in their lives.  He was a simple man who understood a deep message.

     Soldier of The Cross, our lives must be about His business.  Our homes should be to receive others and love them.  Our children should be raised to serve the Lord.   Our income should be released to Him to be used in any way the Holy Spirit leads 

     We are to live in preparation for eternity.  We are to live putting others first.  We must be easily led.

     Let the Lord know your life is His and not yours. 
     Tell Him aloud.



      This is a season that challenges everyone.

     For some it is a painful memory of loss.  For others it is an attempt at creating memories.  Atmosphere.  It is usually a time of zigging and zagging to get things done.   At a time when we are celebrating the remarkable Love of our God, it is easy to miss the immediate.

     It is a particularly difficult season for me.  I participate in almost twenty symphony concerts, am in charge of the Christmas program at church, and it is also a time of grading almost two hundred university final exams.  In addition to that, there is an open house here at the Isaac House for many, many people whose gifts will be wrapped and place under a tree that I have no time to decorate.   Christmas stockings, my responsibility, will also be forced on numerous family and guests. 

     In the middle of all of this, there are always emergency situations with my clients, and it is not possible to just put things off.  I always think I will barely live through Christmas.

     This year, in the middle of the heaviest schedule I have ever had, the Lord has given opportunity after opportunity to share His Life, and with folks for whom I have prayed for years and years.

     We never know what He will do.  We never know what is around the bend.  

     Soldier of The Cross, gear up and prepare for answered prayer.
     Resist the temptation to declare that you have no time for anything.  
     Resist the temptation to think that the most important thing is to get control of everything.
     Resist the temptation to think you have to please everyone.
     Resist sentimentality.
     Resist the need to out do or match any other year.

     Soldier, the season does not change the calling.

     Stand before Him as in any other season and declare your availability.  Do it aloud.  Tell Him that He can have you and that you relinquish habit, unhealthy tradition and concept.  Tell Him that He can have every day, hour and minute to honor and reveal Himself.

     Then, watch Him work!


In The Now:

     Soldier of The Cross, do not miss the thing that is right before you.

     Remember, there is an enemy who is roaming about and is seeking to devour.  He would love to cripple you in order to deflect your attention from any point of ministry.

     Speaking of which, you have a responsibility to be a minister of Life.  His Life. 

     I have yet to meet a real Christian who says he has never gone through any fiery trial.  The issue is, how is that trial met?

     I remember a dramatic story of a man in
North Vietnam who was a Christian.  So was his wife.  The communists arrested them, imprisoned him and put the  wife naked in a wooden cage and dragged her around the village for a day.  We do not know her fate, but the husband was buried alive.

     As the last shovel of dirt was about to be thrown on his face,  the Christian Brother said to the man assigned to the task, "Jesus loves you and so do I.  When you are born again, please find my daughter and tell her that you have met Jesus."

     I heard this story from the daughter's own mouth.  Several years after her father had been buried alive, the man who shoveled the dirt  found her in
America.  He told her that he had met the Lord Jesus Christ and had accepted Him as his Savior.  Her father's killer then led her to the Lord.

     She gave the account in humility and in tears.

     Soldier of The Cross, do not loose the moment.
     It is about eternity.



     Your purpose is far beyond those who have no Lord.


     The purpose should be to know and serve Him.   It should permeate each decision and override any out of control tendency in the thought life. 

     Your purpose should drive you to the Word and should give impetus for prayer when it feels like prayer is too hard or not possible.

     Your purpose should censor your language and release your tongue to the Lord's creativity.

     Your purpose should give you the ability to continue when exhausted, to sing in the darkest nights, to declare eternal reality in the face of conditions that defy faith and to love the unlovely.

     Your purpose releases you.  You are no longer your own.
     What freedom!


Victor Vector:

     There is much to be said for refusing to veer from the Path.

     I doubt that the most solid Christians I have known have felt solid or felt strong or felt like victors.  I do think however, that they felt clean, calm and secure.


We are told to live by God's Word, and there is no deviation from that.  When issues arise, I find that those who jump the rail always have a reason that is based on what has happened to them or on what they want.  The balance is that we have the Indwelling Holy Spirit who is creative and who tenderly leads and convicts.

     Soldier of The Cross, no one has it all together.  I do not believe in the doctrine of sinless perfection.  But, there comes come a time when deliberate sin is no more because there is a goal in sight and because the Line has been crossed.

     It always troubles me when Christians tell what seem to be small lies.  Isn't a lie, a lie?  Won't He honor the truth?  These are things that are not compatible with the fullness of the Holy Spirit.


    Soldier, these are matters to be taken to prayer.  The thought life is the battle ground, and decisions are made every minute.


     We choose a vector and launch into it.  We declare it in prayer.  We consciously raise it as a flag over our daily lives.  It is supernatural.  It is not possible to have an active relationship with the Lord and splash around in the quicksand of a compromised life.

     Take it up with Him in prayer.