The Broken Heart:
Just about every day I have broken hearted people in my office.
I represent a number of Christians in my family law practice. Among my clients there are always pastors and missionaries whose spouses have left them, and the agony is deep. In almost of the cases, those whose service is public find it difficult to believe that God would allow such thing. All of them have attempted to reconcile.
I have seen mature and faithful men of God racked with sobs because of a broken heart. And, of course, there is the process of letting the Lord have the matter and submitting to the Lord in it. Few are able to yield to the Lord in that manner, at least for quite a while. At some point, all want closure, but it seems impossible to them because of the nature of the pain being experienced.
I is a privilege to serve these saints, but when the heart is truly broken, understanding is the only thing that is salve to the wound.
I don't know anything about closure. I only know about The Cross.
Taking up The Cross daily means moving in a straight line because the next move is to follow Him.
It means I am willing to let Him have it all, and that means all.
It means that I give up my right to appear successful.
It means I am willing to lay my life down for the Brethren, and I will not let myself slack off in Love because of feeling like a failure.
It means that "though He slay me, yet will I trust Him. . ."
It means I am willing to be a living sacrifice.
He who called you and rescued you, has not let you go. He sees, He hears, and He has given you The Comforter. Our God is a God of compassion. He did not just stand by and let this happen. He is already attending to you
There is tremendous healing in worship. Real worship.
Come to the Lord and tell Him the things you love about Him. Do it aloud. The Spirit will lead you and you will find assurance of His attention and compassion.
You can come to Him over and over about the same thing - He never tires of you.