There isn't much worse than a genuine misunderstanding that can't resolve.
Most people live in it day and night and let it become a leprous tattoo on the soul. You can't afford that.
If you are determined to serve the Lord and be a disciple, it means you have agreed with Him to take up The Cross daily and follow Him. It means that you are attracted to being a Living Sacrifice
(Romans 12).
It doesn't mean you are perfect. It does mean you trust Him to deal with the things that you can't fix.
Misunderstanding and false accusation are part of the gig because the enemy is so fond of these tactics.
We deal with these matters in prayer and then there has to be a moving on. There is work to be done, and if you let it, distraction will stop the flow.
When you pray about it, be specific and ask that it not be a distraction. You need to ask for immunity from distraction. You feel helpless, but in fact, you are a Soldier of The Cross.
The battle is in the mind.
Take it to him and do it aloud.
Then look up and move on!