It certainly seems the enemy has free access in the night.
You wake up in the wee hours and you begin to review the unpaid bills. Or the mountain of work that is undone. Or, perhaps an illness seems to block every flow of life. Often, there is a child or a spouse who is completely out of line.
While it is still dark, the enemy loves to play reruns of past failures and unfair blows and accusations.
It is a torture session.
When the light begins to break through the blinds, the issues seem to lessen. The circumstances haven't changed, but there is a relief with regard to perspective. Because it's light.
Why does the Lord allow this?
No one knows and it is not important. The fact is, it happens to every Christian, and the Soldier of The Cross must know how to deal with the situation.
Prayer before sleep is a protection. Not that it prevents the attack, but prayer brings Light during the attack. There must be resistance, and the Holy Spirit will initiate something form The Word of God.
Yes, the enemy has more freedom in the dark. And, he loves to kick us when we are down, so the night seems to give him cover.
But, we serve One who is far greater, and we have the Indwelling Holy Spirit.
Did you sleep little? Stop worrying about your lack of sleep. Stop focusing on what happens in the night.
Look at Jesus. What are your favorite things about Him? When did you last tell Him?
The next time the evil one wakes you up, spend five minutes in prayer, just telling the Lord what you love about Him. Go back to bed. You will sleep well.
Do this night after night. You are resisting the enemy, and after some nights, he will flee. It's a promise.
Take it to the Lord aloud. Ask Him to lead you when the attacks come.
You are His Own, and underneath you are The Everlasting Arms.