Encourage Yourself In The Lord:

      And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.   
                      Samuel 30:6

     The most interesting thing about this verse is, we have no idea how David encouraged himself in the Lord.   We only know that he did.

     All front line Servants of the Living God have times of unspeakable discouragement.  And as a matter of course, the enemy is always trying to keep us deflated.  He constantly send missiles in an attempt to deflect our attention from the Goal.

     Laziness often creeps in. When there is little prayer and no fresh Word of God, the Soldier is vulnerable.  But a devotional life is not a prescription to produce all we need.

     One of the things that sets the heart aflame is the story of one who has gone before and has been in desperate need.   Hearing how that need is met by the Lord is not only encouraging, but instructional.   So many have been called to serve, and the stories of His faithfulness are fuel for the Soldier's heart.

     I have just finished Herbert Grings' autobiography.  He was a little known missionary to the Congo in the early part of the 1900's.   What a Soldier!  What difficulty and what deliverance.   What answers to prayer.  Heartache and loss.  Death.  Thrill.  Satisfaction. Explosive joy.

     Soldier of The Cross, make a habit of reading about those who have gone before us.  While there are a few good books written today, much of Christian literature has to do with feeling better about yourself and having a better life.  What a waste.

     Follow the journeys of those who have been called as you have - called to take up The Cross and follow Him.

     There are hundreds and hundreds.  Many are free on the Google Books site.

     We need each other.  We need to hear from those who have gone before.  We see their footprints on the path in front of us.    

     Buying books?    Start with Elisabeth Elliot's "A Chance to Die"- the story of Amy Carmichael.     When you hit the second half of the book, you will not be able to put it down.  Consider the title. 

     Get the Jaffray series.  Many missionary biographies.  
     Our heritage makes us vastly wealthy.


Moving on:

     You have made a decision, and that sets you apart.

     Because you have chosen to be a Soldier of The Cross,  you have taken up The Cross daily and you are following hard after Him.

      What does this mean?

     It means you are being called into the unknown.  At least, the unknown in your experience. The quicksand of the Christian is the desire to slow down and have everything predictable and comfy.

     There has to be a regular letting the Lord know that He can do anything.    May He move you?  Or are you too comfortable?  Are you willing to take your children and follow Him?  Or is it about what society considers is right for them?  If He calls you to Africa, will you have conditions?

     The Church today has has lost the vision for complete availability and has promoted a standard of comfort and physical prosperity.

     Those who memorize His word and stand before Him in prayer and daily determined to be a Living Sacrifice - those are the ones He can move easily.  He gives them Grace for the next move, and He does not give it until it is time.

     The move might not be to another location.  It might be a move of the heart. 

     He is not looking to find the most available and then clobber them.  He is searching for those who will trust Him.  He is looking for those who will see His glory.

     He is looking for those who simply want to know, hear and obey Him.  

     Can He be trusted?

     Can He be known?  Not without walking by faith.

     Tell Him you are available, and tell Him aloud.
     Tell Him each day.



Your Rudder:

     3 When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.
  James  3: 3-6 (Amplified Bible)

     Soldier, much division in the Body of Christ is caused by seemingly casual comments.  There must be great caution when saying anything about a Brother or Sister to a third party.

     The enemy uses everything possible to create division. And, there is no such thing as a small division.   They are only visible or invisible.

     There are small comments that concern things such as housekeeping, dress, weight,  spending, odor, and other matters.   Those who make such comments are usually the ones who are eager to share interesting personal information about another.

     One of the most lethal offenses is the out-of-context quote  Or even unwisely accurately quoting for the purpose of the listener being appalled.   Some do this habitually to gain attention.

     How careful we must be. These comments throw the door open for the enemy to toy with us, and the field is set afire.   

     If the tongue were guarded in the same manner as money, most would sin less.

     Oh, Soldier, pray for the Indwelling Holy Spirit to train you in this area.  Be in much prayer about it.    When we are on the other side, we will see the terrible chasms that were created by loose tongues.

     Teach your children to hear themselves.  Teach them to put up an open palm and remove themselves from such conversations.

     Take this to the Lord.  Aloud.


Being Filled:

     There are many serious misunderstandings about being filled with the Holy Spirit.

     There are those who hold a doctrinal position that is correct to a point, but they never experience Him.  They believe that when we are born again, He indwells, and of course that is what  the Bible teaches,  But those who hold to that as a teaching alone don't experience Him.   I do not speak of fireworks.

     Then of course, there are those who crave a show all the time.  Wrong.

     There is no question that all who are born again  have the Holy Spirit "seal of promise" and He indwells.  There is a witness of Sonship that nothing can remove, and absolutely, there is an assurance of salvation. 

     But oh Soldier of The Cross, there is so much more.  I do not speak of supernatural explosions or any kind of geeky show.

     He who Indwells is a Person, and He reveals Jesus.   He leads and He assures.  He prods and He restrains.  If the Soldier of The Cross does not know that he or she is  experiencing the Holy Spirit of God, something is wrong.

     We are called out of this world into another, and we have The Alongside One who enables and guides.  He consoles and He chides. 

     You understand God's Word because The Interpreter lives in you.

     No cheapening of the Presence of the Holy Spirit.  Learn to be  alert.  Recognize God.

     Pray about this because if you don't, you will miss His Presence.

     Soldier, we are to be being filled, all the time.   Go after Him.  Pursue Him.  
     Do it in prayer.
     Do it in your thought life.
     Do it in your speech.
     Tell Him how much you want Him.  Tell Him you want to be filled.  Again and again and again.  And then again.

     Tell Him aloud and do it now.  Don't wait.  

The Season:

     As a family attorney, I can tell you that I get more calls about divorce during the week of Christmas than any other time of the year.

     Christians are rarely the callers, but it is certainly indicative of the pressures that buzz about during the holiday season.

     So, Soldier of The Cross,   this year, pray about what to give to whom.  Pray about what invitations to accept.  Pray about how to receive gifts.  And pray about how to minister to those close to you.

     What a wonderful season, but what a whirlwind of events and obligations.

     We don't need to recover from Christmas, we need to follow Him though it!

     Tell him aloud.  Nothing is too small.

     Do it today.




     He loves to attack in the wee hours of the morning when sleep is evasive.  He reminds you of the worst things you have ever done. In the dark, they seem unbearably terrible.  You feel beaten.  You feel like a complete failure.   Your mind is a giant screen that plays and replays moments you would give anything to forget.

     In the dark, the bills smother you, and the amount of work to be done is overwhelming.   The worry about your children is more intense.

     Fear, regret and self-doubt swirl about. 

     When the sun comes up, it is different. 

     There are mental beatings that take place in the night for all.  There is an enemy who hates you and it seems he has more room to move about in the dark.

     Learn to resist the enemy.  If you pray about this, the Indwelling Holy Spirit will remind you to think on the things God has promised.  You might need to get up and sing.  Or write a note of encouragement to someone.  Memorize a verse.

     Catch it as soon as it starts and recognize what is happening.  Resist and he who intends to harm you will flee.

     Talk to Him about it and do it aloud.   The enemy shouldn't be allowed to get your attention in the same manner again.

     Do it today. 

Aways a Decision:

     There is always a decision to make.  Time is about making choices.

      Many years ago, I heard A.W. Tozer say that in his life, there had been only one or two times when he knew for sure the Lord had given clear direction for an action.

     Of course in times of crisis, we come to Him and He give  us Light and Wisdom.  So many want Him to give traffic arrows at each junction.  Of course, that would eliminate The Cross.

     My wanting His guidance can't be about making sure there is no discomfort or failure in my life.  It has to be about The Cross.  The death of the flesh.

     When I don't know what to do, I do nothing unless there is a compelling deadline that is imminent.  I mean really imminent.

     He who is Wisdom wants us to walk in The Light and grow in Wisdom.   It often takes mistakes to gain Wisdom.

     Soldier, be a no-matter-what Christian.  In prayer, take up The Cross and follow hard after Him.

     He will lead.  Promise.

     Present yourself to him for absolutely anything He wants.  Today.


Our Strange Lord:

     Have you noticed there is only one account of the Israelites walking through the sea on dry ground?

     There is only one burning bush story.  Only one floating ax head.  

     Our God calls us into the unknown, and most Christians are so afraid of that frontier, they miss the excitement of what God can do.

     He never calls us into the always-safe.  It is safe because He calls us and leads us, not because we can get all our ducks in a row first.

     The taking up of the Cross is a commitment to let Him transform us into His likeness.  That means being available for things that are impossible.

     He does it.  We don't have to know how He will do it.

     One foot in front of the other.

     Do you trust Him enough to be available?

     Tell Him now.  Aloud.

Prayer and Light

     Soldier, when you pray about a matter, the thing that happens is that Heaven opens up and you see what is really happening.

     Those who walk in The Light not only have fellowship with one another, but they also see what is really going on.

     We are  not of this world, and it is critical to pray accordingly.  So, Soldier, acknowledge your position before Him, and ask for sight.

     I am in the middle of a horrible family trial. This morning, I asked the Lord to part the seas and let us walk through on dry ground.  Why not?  We can ask.

     Soldier, His Word is a Lamp unto our feet and a Light unto our path.

     For goodness sake,  look up and move on.

Health and Wealth:

     The health and wealth theology is a lie of the enemy.

     Soldier,  yes, you are an adopted son.  Yes, you are in the Kingdom of Light.  Yes, there is the Sabbath Rest.

     Nowhere in God's Word are we told that we will be always healthy or wealthy.  There are wonderful verses about saving, not loaning money, giving,  and even giving sacrificially. But health and wealth is never promised.   That preaching is false.

     Hallelujah, we know divine healing is real and I have experienced it.   We know the Lord honors giving back to Him the first fruits, and I have tasted that and continue to experience it.
     The real truth is, there is no experience of faith or taste of the supernatural unless there is deliverance and release.  For that to happen, there has to be trial and testing.

     Soldier of The Cross, we take up the Cross and follow hard after Him.

     The issue is knowing Him.
     Recognizing Him.
     Being made like him.
     Laying our lives down for the  Brethren.
     Being a Living Sacrifice.

     It is not about being healthy and having stuff.

     Tell Him He can fully have you.
     Now, and aloud.