
     Be reminded that He is sovereign over all.

     When we get there it will all make sense.  We'll see even the most unjust events of time made right in eternity.

     He uses the oddest things to bring about His will and to reveal Himself.   He uses illness, birth defects, tragedy and poverty.  And in particular, He allows unfairness and misunderstanding.  When our children go astray, it is beyond unbearable.

     It is all His business. 

     Can He really be trusted, or do we only talk and sing about  the Everlasting Arms?

     You are a Soldier of The Cross, and that means you have made the decision to take up The Cross and follow hard after Him. Are you willing to let Him do anything with your life?

      When you tell Him He can do anything with your life, there is a release and a broader grace to endure things that can't be avoided. 

     We bring much on ourselves, but there are always things that are so unfair and twisted, words can't completely describe them.

     Every day and every hour by prayer.  Deal with matters in prayer and then be vigilant about your thoughts.  Most people live in the thought life instead of the Now.

     Soldier, keep moving in the Light of God's Word.
    Trust Him, and tell Him so.  Aloud.



       Most of pressure experienced is related to duties yet unfulfilled.

       I am always amazed when a bride is in a tizzy about a wedding that is months away.  The comment is always "There is so much to do".  The fact is, it is not about much to do, it is about what is yet undone.

      Soldier of The Cross, you must function just the same where matters are resolved or unresolved.  The issue is, what is before you?   What should you be doing now?

     Is the undone being brought to Him in prayer?             

     Is it about your need to have nothing undone, or is there an impending responsibility to get it done now?

     Soldier, most pressure we experience is an emotional hologram, often projected by the one who so hates all of us.

     We take it all to Him.  We have the armor, and it is donned in prayer.

     Take it to Him as soon as anxiety rears its ugly head.
     Deal with it aloud, claiming His word.

     Then look up and move on.  We are in His Army. We always do the next thing.

Need To Know:

     When someone begins sharing negative second-hand information about another believer, you must stop the conversation.

     Most Christians simply don't have the backbone to ether stop the conversation  or extricate themselves from it.

     You're not accountable to the speaker, you're accountable to the One who says you should not participate in gossip.  The problem is, gossip is so interesting.  In fact, just hearing the words, "did you hear about Susie's marriage breaking up?" makes the flesh quiver and tingle with the desire to hear all about it.

     I have often preached about this matter.  Years ago I walked in on a conversation in my home.  Two women in the church were talking and when I came in the room, one of them turned to me and said "We don't like "so-and-so".  I suppose I should not have been surprised, but these were women who had both been in  years of my Bible studies. I held up my palm to them and immediately left the room.

     We are so often unaware of our vulnerabilities and fall into the enemy's cleverly placed traps.

     Gossip is a terrible, terrible thing.  God's Word is abundantly clear.   The problem is, we are not aware of these things until we take them to prayer.  The Indwelling Holy Spirit is quick to nudge the Soldier of The Cross and alert him or her.

     You have told the Lord He could have all of you for anything He wants.  You have told Him you want to be changed.

     That means you are going to be held to the standard you long for.  Listening to gossip is like drinking from a sewer.  It causes contagious infection.. 

     Take this matter to the Lord and learn to be discerning and obedient.   

     Ask to see what is really happening, and ask to learn to  obey in this area.
     Ask aloud.



The Tongue:

     I have never understood why Christians complain about the weather.
     It makes no sense.  There is nothing that can be done about it.

     This is something the Soldier of The Cross needs to avoid.  Murmuring about anything chips away at the ability to see and hear the Lord.

     The Bible calls it a sin, and it is so common in our churches.

     A good definition of murmuring is : a subdued or private expression of discontent or dissatisfaction.

      Murmuring is a mark of immaturity and is a virus.   There are ways to prayerfully address and discuss issues that need attention or change, and they are the opposite of complaining.

     He Who is The Word holds us accountable for our words.  When we bring the matter to Him in prayer, we will then be  more sensitive to what we say.   As a rule, this is the  most difficult change, in that it is often a life habit.

     Bring this to the attention of children.  Make a priority of reporting things that are negative in such a manner that eliminates whining.

     Take it to Him. Aloud.


About Your job:

     Soldier of The Cross, your job is to be a minister of Life.    

     This means you must be available to the leading of the Holy Spirit and not predetermine what you will be saying in situations - including in your home!

     One of the enemy's favorite things is to project scenes onto the screen of your mind that play out various confrontations.  When this happens, fantasy takes over, and the imagination comes up with all sorts of conversations.   Then feelings swell, and the Christian victim decides what he or she will say.

     Stop right now.  Be aware of what happens in your mind.  Wisdom rarely predetermines what to say.

     Let the Indwelling Holy Spirit lead you.

     Take it to Him.  Aloud.
     Then go into the situation, consciously waiting for Him to lead.
     On the other side of the conversation, you will feel clean.  It is  not a matter of winning.  It is a matter of ministering Life.

This Strange Life:

     Soldier, be careful that you do not consider it better when all is peaceful and you have plenty.  Of course it is nicer, and we are to as much as possible, be at peace with all men.

     We know, however that this world is not our home and that we are moving toward Glory.

     We are to keep praying to be changed into His likeness.
     Until the dying breath, the Soldier of The Cross must seek Jesus.

     And those who do the above, are in for plenty of heartache.   The difference is, in the service of the Lord,  even heartache knows a sweetness.

     We know it is not over here.  We know it will all be made fair, and clear and  more than better in the sweet bye and bye.

     This is not something we know by being taught - it is something we know by going through it and submitting to Him.

     Never pray for trials and never pray for hardship, as you will surely have your share.

     But Soldier, stand before Him i n prayer and be available and tell Him so.  Aloud.  Agreeing with God is the way to walk in The Light.

     This has to be desirable to you, and you must tell Him so.


Our Strange Lord:

     All we know is all we know.

     He does things that are so strange to us and we call them miracles.  Like, turning water into wine.  How strange is that? And,  after the guests were well sated.

     What about the floating ax head?  Or the flour and oil that wouldn't quit.?   Maybe the Red Sea dividing so His people could walk on dry land?

     Who can explain Jericho?

     We could go on and on.

     The Resurrection changes everything.  It makes the things He does seem normal.  Not average, just normal.

     You know these things are true, because the One who did them came to reside in you.

     And, He's never leaving. 

     Soldier, that Resurrection Life is yours, and you need to gaze upon The One who rose from the dead.  Get to a private place.  Look at him.  Talk to Him.  

     He is waiting for you.

     Do it now.  Aloud.



     Soldier, you know all the right answers, and you know the verses.

     Be the warrior who watches while drinking from the water. (Judges 7:5)

     The battle is in the mind, and the enemy does all he can to make you feel something negative.  Unless you realize what is happening, you are had!

     Irritation is the result of negative thought. It is also a form of anger.  Panic is usually the experience of a satanic attack.  There are physical conditions that can be controlled, but it is not the common experience for the Soldier of The Cross.  The enemy loves to make the Soldier angry at another believer.  His favorite thing is a Christian with an angry tongue.
     Much discouragement is the enemy's projection to the mind of impending or current failure.

     This world is not your home.  You are a sojourner and a pilgrim.   This means soaring through today, or slogging through today.  Either one could be a victory.

     Be vigilant and pray about this matter.
     Today.  Aloud.     

What Touches Your Heart?

     Soldier of The Cross, you cannot afford to be driven by sentiment.

     This does not mean you can't feel things, but it does mean you can't be driven by feelings.  We are about God's Word. There are standards that are black and white.  Period. 

     The conflict comes when you know for sure what God's Word says, but a situation before you requires compromise.

     You may not do it.

     You have supernatural access to Wisdom, and you must go there.   The enemy relentlessly pulls on your emotions and human obligations.  This is not about "suppose to's".   This is about being a Living Sacrifice and being led by the Holy Spirit of God.

     He will never led you into anything predicable or commonly acceptable.

     God's Word is More Real Than The Way That You Feel.

     Agree with God about this.  And, do it aloud.  today.

     Oh, Soldier, please.  Do not waste time.




Sabbath Rest:

     There really is a resting place for the Soldier of The Cross.

     Hebrews 4 tells us of this.  It is a Place of security and of the rolling of the burden on Him.  It has nothing to do with the fight about Saturday or Sunday.

     Soldier of The Cross, you have made a decision.  You have decided you are His no matter what the  cost.  That means, of course, there is a cost.

     The issue is, is His Word going to rule, or are circumstances going to rule?  It is a matter of Flesh v. Faith. As a trial attorney, I have to say, it's a great analogy.

     Read the chapter and then consider it.  Memorize one or two of the verses.

     Soldier, you do not have the capacity to carry your burden.  That is why He has so often told you to give it to Him.  It is a process, and it happens in prayer.  You go to Him, give it to Him by faith, and when you get up off your knees, you might feel just the same.

     It's not the same.  You have obeyed and He will relieve you of the oppression you are experiencing.

     What is around you and what you are seeing is not real.   The Kingdom of His Dear Son and the Kingdom of Light is real.

     Don't be deceived.  Run to him.  Claim the Sabbath Rest.

     Discuss it with Him and do it aloud.  Today.

     Be a Believer with a backbone and stand on God's Word in the face of the enemy.  And do it aloud