Your Life:

     Are you in fact a Soldier of The Cross?

     Are you willing to agree with God about absolutely anything?  What about those secret moments?  May He have them?  Do you have  a standard that He must meet before you will agree?

     Soldier, this is about Love.  We serve the One who is Awesome, and the word is not ntended in the way teenagers say it today.  He is an Awesome God. 

      We have been called and chosen by One who created the universe. 

      Can you put your arm around the one who is dirty?  Are you willing to feed the hungry?  What about the widow and the orphan?  Do they all need to meet your standard first?

      You are a Soldier.  That means you have said to Him that you are a Living Scrifice.  There is no compromise.  Take the hits.  Why is it important that someone should think less of you?


      Soldier, stand before Him and give it all to Him.   Other wise there is no freedom.  Is there an issue with a rebellious child?  He can give wisdom for the moment.  Tell Him you will wait for Him and that you will expect Him.

      Tell Him aloud.

One Step at a Time:

     He has always chosen those who are not humanly qualified.

     Why do you list your inadequacies?  What are you waiting for? 

     This is about one step at a time.  The Indwelling Holy Spirit empowers, encourages and leads, but never, never lights up the path more than a step at a time. 

     It is the flesh that screams for the false security of sight.

     Soldier of The Cross, those who have gone before have found Him worth anything.  You know it to be true.  Will you stand before Him and tell Him that you agree to do the thing He places before you? 

      Or do you have to hold out for something that seems special?

     Tell Him today.


The B-I-B-L-E:

     Oh Lord, as I stand before you tonight I lif up your Word as high as my arm will allow.

     Thank you so much for something I can touch. 
     Thank you for the witness I have that every word is True. 
     Thank you that I know you speak to me personally from each page.

     I know you are a God who does only the impossible.  I know you use the weakest to show the greatest strength.  I know you intend that Your Own should rise up and follow you into frontiers of faith.

     Lord, I want to be such a Soldier.  I declare to you now that I want more than anything to be used, to be transformed, and to be made into your likeness.

      Whatever it takes.  No matter what.

      My Lord and My God.


     When did you last tell the Lord that you loved Him?

     We sing it and we hear about it in sermons, but few tell Him directly. 

     When you stand before the Lord and talk to Him aloud, something happens with regard to the choice of words.  The Indwelling Holy Spirit leads, and there is revelation and illumination.   Confessing love for Him and to Him, takes the Soldier of The Cross into the divine momentum of prayer.  There begins to be a craving to tell Him why, and that is followed by a new revelation of how Great and Awesome He is.

     Soldier, He created you for Himself, not for the resolution of conflict.

     Tell Him.  Aloud.

He Says "Come":

     Soldier, how much do you want Him?

     Are you willing to walk on the water, or are the winds and the waves so daunting that you think you are unable?   Did you hear Him say "Come"?

     What is the alternative?    Have you gotten any peace by relying on your evaluation of the circumstances?  When you pray, are you demanding that the Lord do the thing you think has to happen ?

     Being a Soldier of The Cross means that you agree with God and that you take your place on the daily altar of a Living Sacrifice.   Have you done that?  In prayer?

     If so, the Indwelling Holy Spirit is able to reveal His extended Hand.

     Soldier, tell Him over and over.  Aloud.

His Will:

     Soldier of The Cross, you have no idea what He is doing. 

     All you see is what you see.  It is tempting to draw conclusions, but that is not scriptural.   You are not to guess.  You are to follow.

     He has never been hard to find.  He leads with His eyes and He does not obscure Himself.

     The issue is, do you want what you want, or do you want to see Him?  The frontier is before you.  Let Him know that you are available.

     Tell Him aloud.


None Other:

     Oh Lord, as I stand before you tonight, I acknowledge that you alone know what is best for me.

     By faith, I agree with you no matter what.

     But, Lord, I am so afraid.  I know what you have said.  I know about the Everlasting Arms.  l   know about your promises, and I even know about your rescue of other Christians throughout the ages.

     I need you so.  I need supernatural assurance.  Please, Lord.  I need your touch.  This is so hard.

     Before all of the seen and unseen powers, tonight I declare that I am a Soldier of The Cross.  I want to be a Living Sacrifice. 

     Oh Lord, whatever that means,   I am yours.  Please do whatever has to be done in the deepest parts of me Ni order to make me like you.

   My Lord and My God.

His Will:

     We so often resist the thing that God intends for our good.

     This summer, I have have opportunity to use a spectacular swimming pool.  The only thing is, I have to do whatever it takes to maintain it.  That means cleaning it and getting all of the things out of it that interfere with the operation.

     Well, there is a frog problem.  The frogs love the pool, but if they stay in the water, the chlorine will kill them.  So, the person caring for the pool must make sure the frogs are whisked out of the dangerous waters.

     Three days ago, a huge frog appeared at the edge of the pool.  In effort to spare him. I took up the frog-catcher and went after him.  He did everything possible.  Of course, the first thing he did was to dive into the water, because it was familiar to him.

      I went after him with a vengeance and told him in no uncertain terms that he would not prevail.  He ignored me.  I went after him for three days, hoping to be able to deliver him from the chemical that I knew would be his undoing.

     Unlike all of the others, he was able to escape.  Last night, I got him out of the bottom of the pool, dead.

     Soldier of The Cross,  we do not know what is the best for us.  He alone knows. 

     It feels like we know.  We know what make us comfortable.  We know what sustains our environment.  We know what creates fear in us.

     We have been named, called, and adopted.  Underneath are the everlasting Arms.  Is it true or not?  The question isn't about fear or feeling, the issue is God's Word.

     Can He be trusted?

     Tell Him.  Aloud

Asking Why:

     He didn't design you with the capacity to understand.

     If you want to know why, it is usually because you want to approve or disapprove of God's reason for doing or not doing something.

     Why does it seem so difficult to trust when there are no answers?
     What about when children are hurt?  Natural disasters?  Evil people?

     It seems that if the problem had been averted, all would have been fine.

     You have been wooed and won by the One who knows the beginning from the end, and that is the issue.   You have been born into the parenthesis of time, and even though you can taste and smell Eternity, you simply can't' see everything.

     All you know is what you know. 

     One of the most deadly pitfalls is the temptation to sit around with chums to discuss what could have been, why did so-and-so do thus-and-so,  and how can this be made to be what it should be.

     He is known and seen only when He is trusted.  It happens in prayer.   You don't feel like letting go?  He understands that.  He hasn't asked you to feel like it, He has only asked you to agree with Him.

     Tell Him.


His Way:

     Soldier of The Cross, His way is not like any other.

     He is not molding you and preparing you for eighty years of living on the earth.
     He is not teaching you how to get along so you can be secure in  horizontal relationships.
     He didn't die for you so you could settle down and get comfortable.

     He is preparing a Place for you for Eternity.  He is shaping you.  Changing you.  Stretching you, and it may not be comfortable. 

     Is there one verse in the Bible that says that a Christian can retire from the Cross?
     Is there one verse that says that says He wants to make you into an earthly success?  What about being a living sacrifice?  What about taking up The Cross and following hard after Him ?

     What about submitting to the surgical knife of the Lover of Your Soul?

     Tell Him.  Today.
     Alone and aloud.