Letting Go:

     Soldier of The Cross, why are we told to let go of all that would encumber?

     Because if we are to serve, we must be completely available.  What does that mean?  It means that  we must be in prayer,  specifically to avoid concept.  It means that we must be in prayer,  specifically to move into unknown territory.  It means that we must be available to the Frontier of Faith.

     There is a worshipful and beautiful bending of the soul that takes place in prayer.  When the Soldier agrees with God and submits to Him, things fall into place in the unseen and He is free to operate.

     Soldier,  agree with God.
     Aloud and aloud.

He is Enough:

     Is He enough for you?

     Is his provision enough?
     Are His promises enough?
     Is His Word enough?

     What more do you need?  He will not fail to lead.  He will not fail to provide.  And He will not fail to give Grace for the situation.

     Soldier, stand in prayer and by faith, declare that He is enough.

His Way:

     You are looking in the wrong place.

     The matter will not be solved by manipulation, striving or any human crafting.  It is a matter of the deep work of the Lord.

     Soldier of The Cross, learn to wait for Him.  Learn to long for His Way.  Learn to prefer the eternal over the immediate solution.

     Stand before Him and declare your availability.
     Alone and aloud.

My Shepherd:

     The Lord really is my Shepherd.

     And, it is true that He leads me beside the still waters.  The problem is, on occasion, getting to the still waters means going through the valley of the shadow of death.

     When my soul is whipped by the storm, He restores me.

     But He is always with me and He comforts me.    He displays His protection and His bounty before those who accuse me or would love to see me fail.

     He is who He says He is, and as long as I live,  The Throne of Mercy is available to me. He will see that goodness surrounds me, even in the hardest moments.

     I want to spend eternity with the One who holds the stars in place, and Whose Banner Over Me is Love.


     When you gave your heart to the Lord, you gave up certain rights.

     You don't have the right to be understood.
     You don't have the right to be vindicated in this life.
     You don't have the right to financial security as defined by society.
     You don't have the right to be well treated by those closest to you.
     You don't have the right to be in control.
     You don't have the right to be right.

     Now, you have the right to the supernatural leading of the Indwelling Holy Spirit.
     You have the right to boldly approach the Throne of Grace.
     You have the right to be a pillar in the House of The Lord.
     You have the right to lay your life down for the Brethren.

     He who named you and gave Himself for you is preparing a Mansion for you.
     He is withholding no good thing.
     You have been bought with the most precious Price.

     You can only experience and enjoy the eternal rights when you stand before Him and give up the rights that will never last.

His Deep Work:

     The Lord never pieces things together.

     The Kingdom of Heaven will not be found to be super glued  nor with band-aides. 

     He creates, restores and works from the inside out, cleaning out and doing things that are eternal.     Soldier of The Cross,  let Him have full play.  After all, can He or can He not be trusted?

     Tell Him.  Today
     Alone and aloud.

Only Him:

     Lord, as I stand before you tonight, I want to declare before all of the unseen powers that I will agree with you and will not bend according to sight.

     You designed the situation.

     You designed me and named me. 

     In the context of this truth, I lean on you and ask for Grace to agree with you in every detail of each hour.  I refuse to ask why.  I refuse to fantasize about how it could have been different.  I refuse to fear the future.

     I am a bondservant  and want nothing else.

     My Lord and my God


     The issue is Love.

     Where is Love?  Is it with you?  Is it with the other?  It is with Him?

     Soldier of The Cross,  take Him at His Word.  What other choice is there?  Do you believe Him, or is there some chance He is presenting Himself dishonestly?

     Of course not. 
     He named you.
     He died for you.
     He rose for you.
     He is preparing a place for you, otherwise, He would have told you!
     He attends to each thing about which you talk to Him.
     He withholds no good thing.

     Soldier, where are you?  With Him or not?
     Submissive or rebellious?

     Tell Him.  Aloud.

His Agenda:

    Soldier of The Cross, why are you looking at the problem?

     Haven't you learned that there is no horizontal solution?  Soldier,  get a grip!

     There is no way but His way, and all of the contrivances and manipulations are of no effect when it comes to the things that are eternal.

     So, pray according to His Word and stand back.  Let Him have His way.

     Look up and move on!

Moving On

     Walking with the Lord is not a matter of strategy. 

     It is a matter of agreeing with God.

     He has made it clear in His Word that He requires one step a time, and that step must be in faith.  He has never given any Soldier of The Cross a layout of the Plan.  All we need we have in His Word.

     There must be Light. 
     It is not about knowing what to do - it is about knowing who to follow.