Our God:

      Soldier of The Cross,  how great is your God?

      Is He able to lead you?  Is He able to answer you?  Is He able to intervene?  Is He able to separate the chaff from the whey?

      Prayer in itself is not the exercise of power.  The power is in the Promises of God and in His intense interest in your life.  The Power comes from what He has said and from His eternal and infinite ability to do absolutely anything.  He is bound by His Word.

      So Soldier, buck up.

      He is able. He is listening.  You can rely on Him.  You don't know what is needed, but He certainly does.

      Tell Him,  aloud and aloud. 


The Soldier:

     There are many things that distinguish the Soldier of The Cross.

     He or she does not rush in to fix everything.
     The submissive follower has a calm spirit, even when the waves are high.
     The gaze is a fixed one and the onlooker can follow that gaze.
     While this Christian is not a Pollyanna, he or she walks before a God who is completely in control and listens acutely.

     There is no condescension, yet there is unfeigned love and encouragement.

     So many have advice.  So many think they see the problem.  So many have the answer.  Yet, we have been created in such a way that we must rely on a God who has made it clear that tomorrow will take care of itself. We are to deal with the matter before us and we are to wait on Him in prayer.

     There is a protection from deception , and it is The Cross. 
     I am  nothing, I must have nothing, I know nothing save "Christ and Him Crucified" and I am willing and available for anything He wants.

     I don't have to know in advance.  I don't have to know why.

     I am here to follow.  I am here to serve.  Anything, anywhere, anytime.

     Tell Him today.  Alone and aloud.


Moving On:

     What does it mean to be a Soldier of The Cross?

     His Way is the only way.

     It means that His Word supersedes circumstances.  It overrides reactions and opinions.

     Soldier,  it means being a no-matter-what Follower of The Lord.   How are you moving on?  This is a matter that must take place in prayer and it must be an affirmative forming of the words that declare the resolve to be His and His alone.

     This can not happen as the sole result if inspiration or determination.  It must be a matter taken up before the Throne of Grace.

     Do you have a child who apears to be spiralling off?
     A broken marriage?
     Church split?
     False accusation?

     You are not alone.  He knows all about it and is waiting for you.

     Tell Him.
     Alone and aloud.

He is Risen

     Only the Holy Spirit can reveal what Jesus did.

     Those whom He allows to hear and those whom He allows to see will be smitten by His suffering and the value of His ressurection.

     There are songs and poems, plays and Bach Passions.  But those who have been touched by Him can see His stunning submission to the Father with regard to the manner of His death.  And the public humiliation.  The extent of the pain.  The appearance of failure.

     Why do we crave to appear successful and feel desperate for the approval of others?  Didn't He say that if we would be His disciples, we would have to take up The Cross daily and follow Him?

     Are you availalbe?
     Is there anything else?

     Tell Him today.


More of Him:

     The pursuit of Him in the devotional life results in a transfer of divine energy to the Soldier of The Cross.

     Something happens when there is faithfulness in the delving into God's Word and faithfulness in the prayer life.  The Christian is empowered, although it may not feel like it.

     Inasmuch as  we are to live by faith, we are not allowed to feel like victors, but we are allowed to see and experience the victory.
     We are not allowed to relish the suffering of the wicked, but we are allowed to revel in the answer to prayer.
     We are not allowed to know the future, but we are given the privilege of looking back and delighting in the Ebenezer stones.

     Soldier of The Cross, there is no sight without Him. 
     There is no experience of eternity without Him. 
     There is no peace without Him.
     There is no freedom without Him.
     There is no release without Him.

     There is no Him, without His Word and there is no Him without a consistent prayer life.

     Is this new for you?  Start today.  Get alone.  Pray aloud.  If you have given Him your life, you have the Indwelling Holy Spirit and you will be led in prayer.  You will find yourself entering into new realms of prayer.

     Stand before Him today.  Make sure you are alone.  Speak to Him aloud.



The Impossible:

    David was called and anointed.

     When it was time to confront the enemy, he did not respond by sight, but told Saul about the things the Lord had strengthened him to do earlier.  He had killed the bear and he had killed the lion. He knew he was not alone.

     Soldier of The Cross, do you think you are alone?  How have you gotten this far?  Certainly  not on your own strength.

     How has He revealed Himself before?  Surely He is listening.  Surely He is able.  Surely He will be faithful to His Word.

     So the Soldier, move out.
     Take the land.

     By faith and by prayer.

     Tell Him. 
     Alone and aloud.

The Cost:

     Lord, as I stand before you tonight, I declare my intense and determined desire to be a Servant of the Living God.

     As so often before, I restate my request to be transformed into to your likeness, no matter what the cost.

     I understand that the cost of discipleship is letting go of anything and everything.  I understand that the cost of Your Presence is the releasing of my clenched fists that so desperately want my children to succeed and my image to remain untarnished.

     Oh God of the Universe, consider my hands that are lifted up to you.  I am helpless to resolve my own situation and am deeply grateful that you oversee all.

     So tonight Lord, I beg too be changed.  Do whatever needs to be done.  I submit to you.  I acknowledge my inability to fix it.

     Please Lord, take my uplifted hand and pull me out of this.

     My Lord and my God.


     In Psalm 143, the Psalmist says "For to Thee I lift my soul. . ."

     This is where the Soldier of The Cross must live - in the Shadow of Him who is all in all. 

     It is far too easy to lift up circumstances, emotional struggles and fears, when in fact there must be an offering up of the thought life and all choice.

     When the soul is lifted up to Him in prayer, it means that the core of one's being is brought before Him without personal agenda.  The barriers of stubborness, personal passion and pride are removed.  Only then is there room for the Holy Spirit ti illuminate and fill.

     There must be a daily acknowledging of His Sovereignty and the Soldier's need to learn to submit in all things.

     This is not for the sort-of servant.  This is for the one who would be a Soldier of The Cross.

     Tell Him today.
     Alone and aloud.

No Other Way:

     As the old hymn says "Trust and obey, for there's no other way. . ."

     Those who have learned to wait on the Lord have come to be secure in His ability to exceed any good thing imagined.

     They have found Him to be without any anxiety, therefore He never rushes.
     They have found Him to be perfect, therefore He is never defensive.
     They have found Him to be the God of the Universe, therefore He is never without provision.

     He is able.
     He is available.
     He is The Rock of Ages.

     Agree with The One who is the Lover of Your Soul.  Will He ask anything of you that is less than His Eternal Best?
     Tell Him.  Aloud.

The Rock in The Storm:

     In a world that is creaking and groaning in anticipation of things to come, we have One Who is The Rock of Ages.

     In the tidal wave.
     In death.
     In false accusation.
     In financial stress.
     In illness.
     In the stress of time.
     In issues with recalcitrant children.

     Soldier of The Cross, there is no life apart from Him.  There must be a habit and pattern of turning to Him at all times and a seeking to give Him the thrill of the hills and the burden of the valleys.

     Tell him.