No MAtter What:

     Soldier of The Cross,  there is no turning back.

     There was a point at which you told the Lord you would be His, and you agreed with Him that He could be trusted.  You agreed with Him that He knew better than you.

     You agreed with Him that holiness is far better than personal feeling.

     The issue is, you agreed with Him.   

     There is nothing better and there is nothing else.   There is no second best.

     Soldier, advance by faith because you have agreed with Him.   No excuses.

     Tell Him.  Aloud.



The Deepest Work:

     Noone sees the deepest work while it is being done.

     It is in the aftermath of testing that the finished produced is unveiled.

     Soldier of The Cross, hold firm.   Press into the gale.  He who designed, created and named you has empowered you to cross the Finish Line.

     Cling to His Word.  Determine to trust Him.

     Tell Him.

His Glory:

    It is not about you.

     The truth of this is a protection for you.  It reels you in from considering the process and the emotional factors and the consequences.

    What does God's Word say? 
     Is there a Price?
     Are you willing to pay?

     What is your bottom line?

     Soldier of The Cross, tell Him today.
     Alone and aloud.

Always More:

     In this life, there is no such thing as getting all your ducks in a row.

     Because of His immeasurable Love for you, He will continue to keep you on the move.  It is the flesh that wants so badly to settle down.

     Soldier of The Cross, you are called to be a zealot.  You are not your own.  You have told Him you want to be changed and that you will eagerly follow Him no matter what.

     So, the conflict between the flesh and the Word of God should not come as a surprise.

     Reality is not the way you feel.
     Reality is The Word of God.

     Tell Him you will agree with Him, no matter what.
     Make sure you tell Him aloud and alone.



     As I stand before you tonight, my Lord and my God, please help me.

     I have no other to whom to turn.   I acknowledge that you alone hold all in the palm of your Hand.

     So Lord, I stand before you in abject poverty.  I am nothing, I have nothing and I know nothing.  Nonetheless, the circumstances demand a rescue.

     I know you designed this.  I know you heard me the first time I came to you.  I know you are calling me to submit to your Perfect Plan.  And, so I do.

     Lord, tonight I state to you that I yield to you, no matter what.  Regardless of the opinions of others, regardless of the results by sight, regardless of the personal impact, I long for you to have your way with my life.

     My Lord and my God.

Even Though:

     Even though it looks so impossible, we have a God who created everything by speaking it into being.

     So, Soldier of The Cross, pray like never before.
     Let Him lead you. The Indwelling Holy Spirit will tenderly and firmly unveil the next few words and the next few after that.  In prayer, you will see your need and His solid Promise to Provide.

     After all, underneath you are The Everlasting Arms, and they will never fail.

     Tell Him now that you will agree with Him.
     Alone and loud.


     You were created to love,  serve and follow Him.

     Christianity today would lead the modern church-goer to believe that the things to be sought are the things that bring fulfillment in this life - a happy family, financial security, a fine reputation and physical comfort.

     That would mean that the Christian would be the center of his own world.

     You were not designed for that kind of life.  You are a sojourner and a pilgrim.  You are passing through and you have been given a glimpse of Heaven and a taste of His Glory.  Glory that darkens the temporary shine of earthly pleasures.

     So, Soldier of The Cross, to live a sighted life, you must walk in The Light and make the determined and affirmative choice to move on toward eternity, relaxing your clutch on the things that bungee cord us away from the eternal.

     This happens in prayer.  Over and over and over.  It is the taking up of the Cross.  The place of the death of the flesh.

     Tell Him. 

The Valley:

     The Valley of The Shadow of Death feels like The Valley of The Shadow of Death.

     It doesn't feel like bright sun and balmy breezes.

     So often, well-intended comments indicate that those who have yet to walk through that place have no idea how the Lord deals with us in the hardest times.  To the suffering one, they suggest the Lord can and will relieve distress and replace it with an experience of delight. 

      Saints who have fled to Him for refuge during the darkness find that He draws their attention to His Sovereignty. 
      To His Faithfulness.
      To His Love that never lets us go. 
      To His Word that confirms His constant attention to the matter.
      To His assurance that He is preparing a Place for us.

      Soldier of The Cross, He has not appointed us to a gleeful experience 24/7.  He has appointed us to take up The Cross and follow Him.  Wherever.  Including the Valley of The Shadow of Death.

      The joy of The Lord is experienced by those who have gone after Him no matter what, and found Him to be ever present, and ever faithful and with arms always open.


     The true Soldier of The Cross is available for the will of God no matter how things appear.

     No matter how much they hurt.
     No matter what the consequences.
     No matter what others think.
     No matter what must be given up.

     The Soldier is developed, shaped and changed in the course of the prayer life.  The only heart that can submit in the middle of the storm, is the heart that has been habitually submitting in prayer.

     Tell Him.
     Alone and aloud.

His Voice:

    Soldier, do you know His voice?

     He speaks through His Word, His appointed leaders and often from the least expected and possibly most unpleasant sources.

     He has never neglected to answer and He has never made it hard to hear.  The issue is always obedience, and unfortunately for many, obedience is not possible unless His directive compliments their agenda.

     Such can not be the case for the Soldier of The Cross.  You must pre-determine that you will payThe Price.  You will obey and you will move according to what you know He is doing.   How can you know?  You take Him at His Word.  You go where He is. 

     You are able.  You absolutely know where He is and where He isn't.  You know how He is leading - the problem is, you don't know the result.

     Leave that up to Him.  You can't be in control.  And, even if you could be, wouldn't you rather yield to the One who knows the beginning from the end?

     Tell Him you will agree with Him.  That you will follow Him.  No matter what.
     Tell Him aloud.