Moment by Moment:
He is not going to give you any overview of His Plan for your life.
He leads one step at a time and wants you to learn to move by faith, based on His Word.
This should not be about your life, but about His. Living for Him. Leaving all else behind. Learning to recognize Him.
Again and again I hear Christians express the desire to have God ratify their plans. The reality is, God is looking for hearts who are His so totally that they will take up The Cross daily and follow Him.
Lord, as I stand before you tonight, I declare that it is my desire that you be glorified in and through my life. I am so drawn to all that you are, but I know I need to be changed. So Lord please do whatever is needed in the deepest places of me in order to make me like you.
I am willing to follow you one step at a time and will go anywhere and do anything for your glory.