The Battle is in the mind and for the mind.
It seems that the mind loves to seize on the most painful issues and dive into them with masochistic relish. It can be almost anything - worry about the future, anger or regret about the past, a wrong someone has done, loneliness and a myriad of other problems. It is never the thing right before you.
The thoughts come sweeping in and they even sound like your own voice. But in fact, it is the enemy shooting these little fiery darts into the mind. Often there is such a lack of freshness in the Lord that the dry kindling catches quickly and soon, the whole soul is ablaze with infection.
Soldier of The Cross, there is no time to waste.
"and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One)"
II Corinthians 10:5 (Amplified Bible)
The thought have to be led away - how does that happen? First there must be prayer that is specific about the matter. It is imperative to be always in the Word. Then, when the enemy strikes, the Holy Spirit will remind you that your thoughts have not been lining up with God's thoughts. Then you will see that you have choice.
Sometimes, you must sing at the top of your lungs. Other times, you should be seeking out some way to serve - find a nursing home and ask if you can read Psalms to some of the residents. Memorize verses afresh.
Fight! Lean on Him! Obey! We have been born into the Kingdom of Light, and we do not need to think and live as those who have no Lord.
Most of the time, it is only a problem if it is a problem. And, if He means what He says, He will attend to it.
Christians who refuse to obey in this area are passive, pouty and haunted.
Christians who obey are able to impart Life and reveal Jesus.