The Pain:

     Why is it so painful?

     What does His Word say?  We have no right to know why.

     Soldier of The Cross, the issue is His Will.  His Plan. His Life.  His Kingdom. His Body. His Love.

     Is it up to Him, or not?
     Has He affirmed His attentions or not?
     Does He love you or not?
     Is He sovereign or not?

    There is absolutely no one else who will answer you.



     What makes a believer secure?

     Learning to live by faith.

     Living by the hand of God is the only way to taste His Provision.   I believe God's people should be industrious and should love to work.  But there is a danger in thinking we are providing for ourselves.  The Soldier of The Cross must learn to pray "Give us this day our daily bread. . ."

     If we have much, it is not more of blessing than if we have little. The blessing is in the will of God.  The issue is living by prayer and not by independence.  The same principle applies to relationships, the spending of time, reputation, family and health.

     Have you told Him He can do anything with your life?  If so, He will begin to reveal to you the "hidden things."  They are revealed through prayer and when there is an exercising of the faith muscle.

     There is no anxiety greater than self-sufficiency.
     There is no peace deeper than resting in Him and trusting that He will provide or show the way.

So Great a Salvation:

     You are the object of intense divine attention.

     The One who holds the stars in place by His Mighty Word of Power has made it possible for you to know Him intimately.  Not only that, but He longs for your attention and wooed you to get you this far.

     It is easy to loose sight of the fact that you are so loved. 

     Taking hold of this fact by faith and talking to the Lord about it in prayer brings about a tenderness of heart that is not available any other way.

     Talk to the Lord about his Love for you.


The Lover of Your Soul:

     Soldier of The Cross, He is a healer.

     He has not promised us that He would heal all physical illness.  He has promised that we could find refuge, live a life without a damaged personality and minister His own Life.  He has told us we can know peace and be content.

     The soul is the place where decisions are made.  The spirit comes alive when inhabited by the spirit of God, but the soul will either reflect Him, or in the alternative, it will reflect the consequences of decisions that do not line up with His mind.

     Those who are determined to take up The Cross and follow Him have a certain family resemblance.  They are calm.  They do not return unkindness when it is hurled at them.  They are far more interested in eternal matters than the temporal, and they always, always consider the other person before themselves. 

     They are interested in living by faith and they have decided to stand on God's Word.

     These decisions create room for the Holy Spirit to fill.  To move.  To counsel.  To heal, and to reveal Jesus.

     The Soldier of The Cross is not a neurotic wreck.  His eyes are on the Lord and he is moving.

     Soldier, remember:  you are keenly and deeply loved by the One who called you to Himself.  The well-adjusted Christian is the one who has told the Lord that He can do absolutely anything with his life.    He is willing to tackle the impossible and he refuses to take only safe posts.

     Underneath are the Everlasting Arms.

Answer the Question:

      When asked if you are willing to lean on the Lord completely, will you give a ready answer?

      When I am examining a witness in court, it is often difficult to get a direct answer.   If I ask him where he was at a particular time, he is likely to start by telling me what he was thinking about doing, what the circumstances were that compelled a decision, or where he was not.  Rarely does the question get answered head on.

     I have found it to be the same among believers.  If I am speaking to a group and pose the question as to whether or not the Lord has been told He can do absolutely anything, there is always gathering of complainants afterward.   It is a collection of people who want to explain their circumstances, and justify getting by without fully committing to the Lord.

     It seems to me that the thing that is the only guarantee of eternal success should be easy.  Of course, that is not the case.  The flesh kicks and screams at the thought of agreeing with God.

     The list is endless:
       Are you in a difficult marriage?
       Is your job unpleasant? 
       Are you being falsely accused? Rejected?
       Tough financial times?
       A problem child?
       Sick?   Lonely? 

     The bottom line is always the same.    Will you agree with Him?  Is His Word true?

       For years, I tried to live according to the letter of His Word, having never met Him.  When He came to live in my heart, I found the Indwelling Holy Spirit was always instant in giving the power to choose God's way. (Not to imply that it was never a struggle.)

     So, the answer has to be, yes, I will lean.   He is the Potter and I am the Clay.  I will tell Him so.
     I must make sure I am not trying to live as though it were the other way around.

     There is simply nothing else.



     There is something penetratingly satisfying about fellowship with those who have walked with the Lord for many years.

     One of my favorite memories is my first SIM conference in Ethiopia.  It was almost twenty years ago, and it was during a period when a number of retired  missionaries were returning to Ethiopia to begin new works, or to support ongoing work.  Some were in their late seventies.    One couple was even older.  They were going to a location where they had spent a lifetime in translation and teaching, and all of the materials were destroyed and burned in war.  They were more or less starting over.

     I heard testimonies of God's faithfulness.  Over and over.  I heard simple declarations of priority.  The trivial was not given weight.

      For three days they sang and sang and and prayed and prayed.  There were testimony meetings that were hours long, but seemed like only minutes. They had a time of confession that was healthy and sweet and edifying.  My bed was crawling with bugs and  there was not enough food.  I didn't care.  I wanted it to last forever.

     Time teaches the faithful to bend to the important, rather than the urgent.

   12The [uncompromisingly] righteous shall flourish like the palm tree [be long-lived, stately, upright, useful, and fruitful]; they shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon [majestic, stable, durable, and incorruptible].

    13Planted in the house of the Lord, they shall flourish in the courts of our God.

    14[Growing in grace] they shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be full of sap [of spiritual vitality] and [rich in the] verdure [of trust, love, and contentment].

    15[They are living memorials] to show that the Lord is upright and faithful to His promises; He is my Rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.

                     Psalm 92 (Amplified Bible)      

The Frontier:

     How much of God do you want?

     When I first came to the Lord, a wise Christian told me that the farther you go with the Lord, the fewer you find on the path, but the more glorious the fellowship. That same Christian told me that If I were to serve the Lord, I should assume I would be hurt by other Christians and that I should predetermine to let it go upon recognition.

     The two bits of advice seem to go hand in hand.  Because there is room for the Holy Spirit to work, those who have decided to take up The Cross and follow Him no matter what, are also those who sidestep the quicksand of distraction.

     Thank the Lord that "He remembereth that we are dust."

     It seems to me that one of the rarest things in all the world is that Believer who, in the midst of personal anguish, will tell the Lord that he wants to be a living sacrifice and will submit to any design of his sovereign God.

     We so easily yield to feeling.   Yet, we want to be like the One who ". . .for the joy [of obtaining the prize] that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising and ignoring the shame, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God. . .
                 Hebrews 12:2  (Amplified Bible)

     Yes, we are sojourners, but it is a supernatural passage. 

     Soldier of The Cross, determine to be a minister of Life and then tell Him so. 
     No matter what or who or why.
     Tell Him aloud.



     Sometimes it takes one to know one:

     It takes a Soldier of The Cross to recognize another Soldier of The Cross.
     It takes one who prays to recognize one who prays.
     It takes one who has moved under the anointing to recognize another who is in the flow.

     It takes one who is filled with the Holy Spirit to recognize another who is genuinely filled.

     Humility recognizes humility.

         Lord, please take me and do absolutely anything that is needed in me to bring about your likeness.  If there are things in the deepest recesses of my heart that must go, I want to bring them forth and lay them at your feet.  Only you know what is needed.
         I want more of you Lord.  I want to be available to love with Calvary Love.

         So, I submit to the surgical knife of the Lover of My Soul.    

Knowing God:

     Soldier of The Cross, you must be relentless in your pursuit of Him.

     There must be an affirmative determination to know Him.  To recognize Him.  To be filled with Him.  To reflect Him.

     Those who think about Him during the day have predetermined to do so.  Like Paul, they have decided that it is their "determined purpose."

     Investigate Him.   

     Have you ever asked Him to answer you according to Jeremiah 33:3? 
     Have you asked Him to reveal Himself to you?  Lately?
     Are you memorizing The Word?

     Feeling unworthy?  He who persecuted the Church was the one who said:

                 [For my determined purpose is] that I may know Him [that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly], and that I may in that same way come to know the power outflowing from His resurrection ]which it exerts over believers], and that I may so share His sufferings as to be continually transformed [in spirit into His likeness even] to His death. . .
                                               Philippians 3:10   (Amplified Bible)

The Broken Heart:

     Just about every day I have broken hearted people in my office.

     I represent a number of Christians in my family law practice.  Among my clients there are always pastors and missionaries whose spouses have left them, and the agony is deep.  In almost of the cases, those whose service is public find it difficult to believe that God would allow such  thing.  All of them have attempted to reconcile.

     I have seen mature and faithful men of God racked with sobs because of a broken heart.   And, of course, there is the process of letting the Lord have the matter and submitting to the Lord in it.  Few are able to yield to the Lord in that manner, at least for quite a while.   At some point, all want closure, but it seems impossible to them because of the nature of the pain being experienced.

      I is a privilege to serve these saints, but when the heart is truly broken, understanding is the only thing that is salve to the wound.

     I don't know anything about closure.  I only know about The Cross.  

     Taking up The Cross daily means moving in a straight line because the next move is to follow Him.
     It means I am willing to let Him have it all, and that means all.
It means that I give up my right to appear successful.
     It means I am willing to lay my life down for the Brethren, and I will not let myself slack off in Love because of feeling like a failure.
     It means that "though He slay me, yet will I trust Him. . ."

     It means I am willing to be a living sacrifice.

     He who called you and rescued you, has not let you go.  He sees, He hears, and He has given you The Comforter.  Our God is a God of compassion. He did not just stand by and let this happen.  He  is already attending to you

     There is tremendous healing in worship.  Real worship. 
     Come to the Lord and tell Him the things you love about Him.  Do it aloud. The  Spirit will lead you and  you will find assurance of His attention and compassion. 

     You can come to Him over and over about the same thing - He never tires of you.