Prayer as a Last Resort:

     So many times I have heard Christians say, "well, now, there is nothing to do but pray."


    The real meaning is,  if there were something they could think of doing, that thing would be done to resolve the matter, and probably without prayer.


     The worse  we perceive the situation to be, the stronger the urge to immediately do something.  Much damage is done by well-meaning folks who rush into a situation, saying all the right things, but ministering death instead of Life.


     Of course there are events such as medical emergencies, fire, etc, that require  instant physical attention.  More often than not, other kinds of situations involve someone close, and the flesh screams to do something right now.


     We have good instruction about clothing the naked,  feeding the hungry. visiting those in prison and laying our lives down for the brethren.  Interestingly these activities have not been experienced by many.


     When it comes to being misquoted,  misunderstood, or something not granted that should have been ours, the old nature is energized and the mind immediately goes into a whirlwind of unproductive thought.


     Something terrible done by your spouse ought  not to be addressed at all until there has been prayer.  Submissive prayer that yields up the situation to Him for any result that will glorify Him.


     When you stepped across the Line and told Him you would be wholly His, you gave up a lot of rights:


     You don't have the right to be  understood.
     You don't have the right to be treated well all the time.
     You don't have the right to sputter and carry on for hours on the phone       when you are misunderstood or someone takes action against you.
     And whoever said if you did everything right, your children would turn out to be what you always wanted for them? 


     Soldier, you do have the right to approach the Throne of Grace.


     Let's go first to the only One who will do a real fix instead of applying a Band-Aid.  Those who pray early and much about everything will walk in The Light.  There is a release of the Holy spirit in submissive prayer that gives endurance and points out wisdom.


     We are adopted Sons.


     Tell Him today.  And do it aloud so you are carefully choosing words and can hear the Holy Spirit leading you.


     You only know what is before you.


     The reason we are to live by faith and not by sight is,   we only have a worm's eye view. 


     The problem is like a tsunami.  There is nothing that can stop it and the damage is already irreparable and vast.   But Soldier, consider this;  He who holds the stars in place is able to put His Hand on the situation and reveal Himself.  That always means healing and hope.


     Most Christians live from problem to problem.  It seems like things are only ok when there is no threat of something that ought not to be.


    Reality is, nothing is ever out of His control.  Soldier of The Cross, agree with God.  You may stand alone.  What difference does it make if you are misunderstood or if others wage against you?


     Of course He cares, and yes He will intervene.   In the meantime, take up The Cross and follow hard after Him.


     Life doesn't start after the problem is solved.  If you have taken it to Him, He will deal with it.    In the meantime,  "joy cometh in the morning."


     Soldier, gaze upon him.  Think about what He did for us.    It's amazing.  The King of Glory left that situation and came to suffer and die for us.  He absolutely will not ignore your situation.


     After all, underneath are the Everlasting Arms!


     Tell Him today.  Make sure it is aloud.

God's Word is More Real Than the Way that You Feel:

     Soldier of The Cross, you were created for obedience and Fellowship with Him.


     You were created to rely on Him.    You are to learn to Lean on The Everlasting Arms.


     And of course, you feel things.  The issue is, when you are feeling something that is not in line with His Word,  you must behave according to obedience, rather than feeling.   This is something that is dealt with in prayer.  After you have taken it to the Lord,  The Indwelling Holy Spirit  will remind you of the Word and you then have a choice. 


     It is possible to blisteringly angry and still take it to Him in faith.  There is no promise that feeling will immediately dissipate, but the issue is, taking it to Him in faith.  You must present yourself to Him, agree with Him,  and then let hHm have His way not only with the situation, but with you.


     The flesh has all sorts of feelings that are not in line with The Word:  despair, frustration, worry (is a feeling), impatience,  anger, fear, and on and on.


     There is no"arrival". No one ever reached some kind of spiritual level at which there is never a negative emotional ripple.    And, thank the Lord!  Because we need to learn.  We need to present ourselves before Him for release and training.


     It is possible to obey in this area.  For most, it is a completely foreign territory.  Feelings usually dictate thoughs and actions.  Often to distruction.  And always to distraction.


     We are created for Victory.   Tough for the flesh, but intended for the healing of the soul and the release of the spirit.


     Soldier, take it to him and tell Him you want to be changed.   Do you have enough backbone for that?  


     Tell Him today and be sure to tell Him aloud.

The Jerk:

     There is always someone.


     No one can tell you how to handle the situation because it is never actually the same as someone else's encounter.


     And, the problem person is usually a Christian.


     We've been taught Grace, and that is usually the first application of affirmatively dealing with it.   We've been taught forgiveness, and that is something that happens in prayer.


     Often it is someone who has all the answers and yes, sometimes you must follow with damage control.


     One thing you must not do is, go to the Lord and tell Him how to handle it.  Prayer according to God's Word brings Light - Wisdom.    What you crave is knowing what to do when it happens next.   He usually doesn't work that way.   the majority of the time, the Holy Spirit will give you the words or show you the moves when you need them.


     There are times when more drastic measures must be taken.    There are times when the person must be confronted.  There are times when the person must be told to leave , sometimes put completely out.


      Most of us have had moments that were not golden. Here,  I am talking about damage to lives, and the quenching of the Holy Spirit in the work of the Lord. 


     When I was first saved, a wise pastor told me that if I planned to go into Christian service I had to remember two things:  first,  sometimes the people you have helped the most will hurt you the most;  second, the farther you go with the Lord, the fewer there are who want what you want, but the greater the Glory.


     Soldier of The Cross, remember there is an enemy who would love to distract you, slow you down and gobble you up, hurting others in the path.


     Take it to the Lord over and over if need be.  Be careful of creating policies in this area.   You never know what He is doing in someone else's heart.


     Talk to Him about it today.  Be sure it is aloud.




The Past:

     Why do we call it the past?  Because it has already happened.


     What a brilliant design God has done - He created Time, so we could make decisions according to His Word.


     Do you awake in the  night, reviewing the past?  Working and reworking the facts?


     Soldier of The Cross,  leave it behind.  Govern your thoughts.  There is absolutely  nothing you can do about those matters. Who do you think is dragging this out in front of you?


     We serve the Lord Today.
     We respond to Him Today.

     No one can go back.  No one can change it.  You are here, and you must trust the Lover of your Soul.


     You are who you are today.  You have the wisdom you have today.  Yesterday is gone forever, and He has promised to restore the years the locusts have eaten.


     Soldier, He might come for us tomorrow.  Do the thing before you as unto the Lord.  Period.  No excuses.


     Tell Him, and be sure to do it aloud.






     Wouldn't you agree that all the big stuff and most of the little stuff require  a decision?


     Just the ordinary functions of life involve decisions.  The animal kingdom is compelled to obey His command.  We call  it instinct.  Birds fly north or south - wherever He wants them.  The fish swim as He has ordained.  The forest animals and all others enter into a world where they already know what to do and where to do it.


     You are different.  You have choice. You don't have to obey.   You have the ability to choose and to make the wiser choice.


     Chances are, you have decided to receive Him as Savior.  That means you have living within you the Indwelling Holy Spirit.  So, you are not left without supernatural guidance.


     Remember Abraham?  Just like you and me. he knew what God had said, but had to rush in and do it Himself.  You think there will be pre-millennium peace in the middle-east?  Not a chance.  That conflict is between the sons of Ishmael and the sons of Isaac.


      So then, believers, we [who are born again—reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, and set apart for His purpose] are not children of a slave woman [the natural], but of the free woman [the supernatural].
              Galatians 4:31


     What is one of the hardest things in life?   




     I have a problem - a big one.  And I want it fixed right now because it is  not right,  hurts and causes me anxiety.  So, my flesh screams and kicks to fix it now.  This is especially crippling when it comes to finances and  child problems.


     Is He aware?
     Does He care?
     What are the Promises about this?
     Is He real enough to me that I can tell Him I give it to Him? 
     Can He be trusted?
     Can I think of a time when He has been late?


     Should little worm's-eye-view me rush in and do the best fix?


     Of course there are times when something has to be done.  If you are a praying Soldier, you will talk to him about it and then you will take one step in faith and then another.   Something may open, but He is able to lead.  He is able to assure you, and most importantly,  when you think this can't be fixed,    He always reminds you that He is available.  


     Is anything too hard for Him?  Really.  Is it?  Why is prayer often a last resort?


     Soldier of The Cross, you made the choice to be His.
     You told Him He could wholly have you.
     You told Him He could have His way with this situation, and you've told him many times.  You may need to tell Him again and again.


     You must make the conscious affirmative decision to let Him lead you into a faith-walk.  It is the only way you will ever walk on the water.  It is the only way you will ever know Him.   There is no Light anywhere else.  No Life.


     Memorize a verse today - the Holy Spirit will speak to you though it.


     Tell Him you make this choice - to be changed.  To be like Him.

     Tell him aloud.    Today.


Money and giving:

      Money worries get every Christian - no exceptions.


     If there is someone who does not constantly writhe over money, that Soldier has wrestled with the Lord in prayer over the issue.


    There has never been an individual who never had a financial concern.  I know all the George Mueller stories, and I will guarantee you that God gave  him that gift of faith because he took the need to the Lord night after night.


     Soldier of The Cross, we all know what He said:

     "But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive and green today and tomorrow is [cut and] thrown [as fuel] into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith!"
                              Matthew 6:30 (Amplified), and of course also, Luke 12:28


     For the flesh, It is about survival.  And, we have responsibilities and obligations.    It is a real human pressure, and if there isn't enough money, there are consequences.


     I give you my word based on His Word and my experience, that if you are a faithful giver to  your local assembly,  your bills will be paid.  You will see Him sweep in and relieve the financial distress.


     The New Testament  has a minimal mention of  tithe, but emphasizes giving over the tithe.  That is between you and the Lord.    The issue is, is it His money or is it yours?  If it is yours, you see it as something you must be careful with and dole out carefully. 


     Is it His as the Word says?  His portion comes off the top.  If there is  not enough to pay the bills, I stand before you and promise that if you will give only a tithe to the local assembly, you will meet your bills. It isn't scary, it only feels that way.  We know how He is..  He takes the little fish and tiny loaves, and He multiplies them.


     We are not talking prosperity, we are talking faith.  Obedience.  Supernatural security. 


     Oh, Soldier, you are so concerned about money and your mind goes round and round in circles about it.    You're not weird.  It is average.


     It may be average,  but for the Soldier of The Cross, it's not normal.  You have been created to lean on the Everlasting Arms, and that happens in prayer. 


    Take it to Him faithfully.  He said He would give you Rest, and He will.  He longs to.


     Tell him.  Today
     Make sure it is aloud.


          All your anxiety, all your care,
          Bring to the mercy seat, leave it there,
          Never a burden He cannot bear,
          Never a friend like Jesus!






This World is Not My Home:

     We need to remind ourselves of this over and over.


     We are Sojourners and Pilgrims.  I suspect the momentum of our passing through is somehow perceived by the unsaved who are often uncomfortable around believers.


     If you are wholly His, if you have told Him He can do anything with your life, and if you are determined to let him into the deepest recesses of you being,  it is possible that you may do a better job than someone else, but not be recognized for it.  In fact, you may excel and  be completely overlooked.


     This is because He is preparing you for Glory.  I don't understand it, but I've seen it over and over.  Can He be trusted?


     Simple question.  But oh my!  How upset we get when we are slighted, misquoted or criticized.  We need to learn to let him have His Way with our lives. 


     It isn't important to be the best.  It is important to be diligent.

     It isn't always important to be correctly understood.  It is important to take it to Him and acknowledge that He already knew about it before it happened.

     It isn't important to get the award you deserve.  You'll get it  when we are with Him.


     Soldier of The Cross, agree with God.  If give to much weight to these things, you get a rash on your soul.


     Love and memorize His Word.  Memorize and sing the hymns.


     Come before Him and tell Him about it.  Tell Him you will keep plodding.  You are a Soldier.    This is war.  He will fight the battle.  Your job is to take up The Cross and keep following.


     Look up and move on!


Elisabeth Elliot

     It was just a little hard for me when Elisabeth died recently.


     It would have been much harder, but the last time I saw her in her home,  she wasn't able to recognize her daughter's photo on the wall.  She was relaxed and calm.  I asked Lars if she had been at all difficult at all, and he said not for a minute.


    She didn't remember my name, but as we had always sung together, she ran to the piano and began playing a hymn.   When I left, she grabbed my arm and tried to tell me how much she had enjoyed the visit.  Then as I went out the door, she loudly said her regular  "Grace and Peace" she had always done.  It was deeply moving.


     Her last three books were written during the time she realized she was  having a hardening of the arteries as her mother had had so many years ago.


     She and I used to pray together several times a year.    Usually we had lunch that I brought ( not always) and then we went into the living room which had a huge wall of glass, allowing to view the ocean.  Or in warmer weather, we went out on the stony veranda that overlooked the cove.  She would grab my hand and yank me down, and we would both pray.  Every single time we prayed, she would begin by telling the Lord He should do absolutely anything to change her to be more like Him, and to make her more sensitive to obedience.  


     At the age of twelve, she made the life decision to take up The Cross and follow hard after the Lord.  I have many stories which I will share with you over time.  We ate together, laughed together, talked about  our issues with contemporary Christian music and modern psychology.  She often spoke of the " no ears to hear" situations in her speaking engagements.


     I loved her deeply.  Once she told me Amy Carmichael was her spiritual mother and she would be mine.  Can you imagine?


     Soldier of The Cross, you have no idea how significant your influence is to all in your life.  You don't need to see the results.  You don't need to be a famous author.


     You must be a "face like flint" soldier of The Cross.


     There is nothing else.  We don't live here - we are just passing through.


     Tell Him today you want to be changed.  Tell him He can do anything with you.  Tell Him to reveal to you what it means to take up The Cross and follow Him.


     Tell Him today.
     Tell Him aloud.

The Battle:

     Soldier of The Cross, the Battle is in the mind.


     Of course things really happen.  And, things appear to be out of control.    According to His Word, is that possible?


     Psalm 91 is incredibly interesting.  It begins by telling us that he who is in the "hidden place"  can be an observer only when the arrows are flying.   Wouldn't that be a relief?   What is the "hidden place of the Almighty?


     Psalm 119 says "Thy Word have I hid in my heart . . ."


     When I was a child, real Christian churches all had intensive memorization programs.  When I was three, I won a family camp for a week by quoting one hundred verses.   That is rare these days.  The memorization of The Word  has been dumbed down like so many other aspects of Body Life.


     In my quiet time each day, I do my regular reading - straight thorough the Bible over and over.  And if no verse that day grabs me, I  memorize any verse.  Let me tell you - when you memorize a portion of the "begats", the Indwelling Holy Spirit will minister to you through whatever verse comes to mind.   I do this just for the day, and often the following day I can't remember it.   But the mind marinates in the verse for the dy.


     Every Christian should know 200 hundred or so basic verses.  Apart form that, repeat over and over a verse for each day from your time in The Word.  When the enemy comes at you in an effort to take over your thoughts, the Holy Spirit will burp up that verse, and  you will have the immediate conscious choice enabling you to take each thought captive and lead it away.


     Oh, Soldier.  Your money is not yours.  Neither is your debt.
     Have you been falsely accused?  So was He.
     Is your child off the rail?  He saw it before it happened.  He is listening attentively to your every plea.
     He made your body, and He understands what you are going through.  Yes, He does heal,  but He may have something better.


     You were not designed to put roots down in this life.


     Memorize the Word.   Put on the Armour and resist the enemy.


     This is done by prayer.   So, soldier of The Cross,  tell Him today.